

set up house/home (with sb/together) set up house with sb set up house with together set up shop set your face against sth
set your heart/mind on sth/on doing sth set your heart on on doing sth set your heart on sth doing sth set your house in order set your mind on on doing sth
set your mind on sth doing sth set your mind to sth set your own house in order set your sights high set your sights high/low
set your sights low set your sights on on doing sth set your sights on sth doing sth set your sights on sth/on doing sth seven
sevens seventh sex shade shadow
shaft shaggy-dog shake shake a leg shake hands
shake (hands) on it/on sth shake hands on it sth shake hands on on sth shake hands (with sb) shake hands with sb
shake like a jelly shake like a jelly/leaf shake like a leaf shake on it sth shake on on sth
shake/rock sth to its foundations shake/rock the foundations of sth shakers shakes shake sb by the hand
shake sb’s hand shake sth to its foundations shake the foundations of sth shake your fist shake your fist (at sb)
shake your fist at sb shake your head shaking shaking in your boots shaking in your shoes
shame shame on you him etc. Shanks Shanks’s pony shape
shapes shape up or ship out share share and share alike shared
shark sharp sharp as a tack sharpest sharp practice
shatter shatter sb’s hopes shave shebang shed
shed light on sth shed new light on sth sheep sheet sheets
shelf shell Sherlock she’ll be right she’s apples
she’s sweet shift shifting shifting sands shift your ground
shine shines shingle shining ship
ships shirt shirtsleeves shit shit all over sb
the other day morning etc. the other side of the coin the other way around the other way around/round the other way round
the outside world the parting of the ways the party line the party’s over the patience of a of Job
the patience of a saint Job the patience of a saint/of Job the patter of tiny feet the peace dividend the Pearly Gates
the pecking order the pen is mightier than the sword the penny drops the pick of the bunch the pit of the stomach
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