

词组 shit
释义 shit /ʃɪt/ SEE ALL
be in the ˈshitbe in ˌdeep ˈshit (, slang) be in a lot of trouble 遇到许多麻烦;陷入困境I’ll be in the shit if I don’t get this work finished today.
You’re in deep shit now.
like ˈshit (, slang) very bad, ill/sick etc.; really badly 糟透了;差劲极了I woke up feeling like shit.
We get treated like shit in this job.
no ˈshit! (, slang) 1. used to show that you are surprised, impressed, etc. or to show that what you are saying is true (表示惊讶、钦佩或表示所说为真)不会吧,真的‘That guy’s my brother.’ ‘No shit! Really?’
2. ( no shit, Sherlock!) used when you think sb has said sth that is obvious or that you already know (表示某人所说的显而易见或早已知道)别废话了‘If it rains we’ll all get wet.’ ‘No shit, Sherlock!’
NOTE Sherlock in this expression refers to Sherlock Holmes, the fictional detective. * Sherlock 在这个表达法中指侦探小说中的大侦探歇洛克 ∙ 福尔摩斯。
not give a ˈshit (about sb/sth) (, slang) not care at all about sb/sth 一点不在乎;毫不关心I don’t give a shit what Marie thinks. I’ll do what I want!
shit all over sb/sth (, slang, especially NAmE) treat sb/sth very badly 非常糟糕地对待某人/某事We’re supposed to be helping them and they shit all over us every chance they get.
shit ˈhappens (, slang) used to express the idea that we must accept that bad things often happen without reason 天有不测风云;坏事难免会发生‘We were all really sorry to hear about you and Rachel.’ ‘Yeah, well, shit happens.’
(when) the ˌshit hits the ˈfan (, slang) (when) sb in authority finds out about sth bad or wrong that sb has done (等)坏事(或错事)败露;(等)麻烦到来When the committee finds out what actually happened, the shit will really hit the fan.
get your ˈact togetherget sth/it toˈgether (informal) ( get/have your ˈshit together , slang ) manage to organize or control sth better than you have done before 更有条理些;更好地组织(或管理)If Sally got her act together she’d be a great musician.萨莉要是能一门心思地去做,就会成为一名伟大的音乐家。He’s been trying to get his life together.他在努力安排好自己的生活。He seems to be getting it together at last.他似乎终于弄顺当了。up the ˈcreek (informal) ( up shit ˈcreek (without a ˈpaddle) , slang ) in great difficulty 处于困境(或窘境)Make sure you look after the money and passports — if they get stolen we’ll be right up the creek.一定要看好你的钱和护照,被偷的话麻烦就大了。a ˌcrock of ˈshit (, slang, especially NAmE) something that is not true 屁话;胡说八道‘He told me he was working yesterday.’ ‘What a crock of shit! I saw him shopping in town!’“他对我说他昨天在工作。”“胡说八道,我看见他在城里买东西!”be full of ˈshit/ˈcrap (, slang) say, write, etc. stupid or wrong things 满嘴胡言;尽是蠢话She’s so full of shit.她满嘴胡说八道。You’re all full of crap and I’m not listening any more!你尽说些蠢话,我再也不想听了!beat/knock/kick the ˈhell out of sb/sth (informal) ( beat/knock/kick the ˈshit out of sb/sth , slang ) beat, etc. sb/sth very hard 猛击;狠打If the crowd had managed to get hold of the robber, they would have beaten the hell out of him.要是人们抓住了强盗,一定会把他狠揍一顿。The gang knocked the hell out of him for no reason at all.那帮人无缘无故地痛打了他一顿。tough/bad ˈluck (informal) 1. (BrE) used to show sympathy for sth unfortunate that has happened to sb (表示同情)真不幸‘I failed by one point.’ ‘That’s tough luck.’“我只差一分没能及格。”“真不幸。”2. ( tough) ( tough ˈshit, tough ˈtitty , slang ) (ironic) used to show that you do not feel sorry for sb who has a problem (表示并不同情)该你倒霉‘If you take the car, I won’t be able to go out.’ ‘Tough luck!’“要是你把车开走,我就没法外出了。”“该你倒霉!”If you don’t like the idea, tough. You should have said something earlier.如果你不喜欢这个主意,只能怪你自己,你怎么不早说呢。scare the ˈshit out of sbscare sb ˈshitless (, slang) frighten sb very much 把某人吓得屁滚尿流You scared the shit out of me, creeping around in the dark like that!你这样在暗处悄无声息地走动,把我吓得够呛!shoot the ˈbreeze ( shoot the ˈbull/ˈshit ) (both NAmE, informal) talk in a friendly, informal way; chat 闲聊;聊天;侃大山We sat around in the bar, shooting the breeze.我们坐在酒吧里闲聊。(as) thick as two short ˈplanks (informal) ( (as) thick as ˈshit , slang ) (BrE) (of a person ) very stupid 极其愚蠢;笨得要死Because she’s a model, people assume she’s as thick as two short planks, but she isn’t.就因为她是个模特,人们都以为她肯定很蠢,其实并不是那样。 OPP (as) bright as a button NOTE Thick is the opposite of thin and can also mean ‘stupid’ in informal language. * thick 是 thin 的反义词,非正式场合使用时也可表示“愚蠢的”。




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