

词组 knock
释义 knock BrE /nɒk/
NAmE /nɑːk/
I’ll knock your ˈblock/ˈhead off! (BrE, spoken) used to threaten sb that you will hit them (用于威胁某人)我要把你脑袋揪下来,我要揍扁你knock sb ˈdead (spoken) impress sb very much 使某人倾倒;使某人大为赞赏;给某人留下深刻印象You look fabulous — you’ll knock ’em dead tonight.
knock sb/sth into a cocked ˈhat (BrE) be very much better than sb/sth 远远胜过;大大超过;使相形见绌This new software is going to knock everything else on the market into a cocked hat.
NOTE A cocked hat is an old-fashioned kind of hat with three corners often worn in the army and navy. * cocked hat 指通常由陆军和海军士兵所戴的一种旧式三角帽。
knock it ˈoff! (spoken) used to tell sb to stop making a noise, annoying you, etc. 别吵了;别烦人了Knock it off, will you? I’m trying to work.
knock sb off their ˈperch/ˈpedestalshow that sb does not deserve to be admired so much 使某人名誉扫地;灭某人的威风These revelations will really knock him off his pedestal.
knock sth on the ˈhead (BrE, informal) stop doing sth; stop sth from happening 停止做某事;阻止某事发生By lunchtime we were all exhausted so we knocked it on the head.
The increase in airfares has knocked our plan to travel this year on the head.
knock sb ˈsideways (informal) surprise or shock sb so much that they are unable to react immediately 使某人惊得不知所措(或目瞪口呆)Losing his job has really knocked him sideways.
knock ˈspots off sb/sth (BrE, informal) be very much better than sb/sth else 远远胜过;使失色This book knocks spots off all the other books on Napoleon.
You’ll knock spots off her. You’re a much better player.
knock the ˈstuffing out of sb (informal) make sb feel weak, mentally and/or physically 挫某人的傲气;使某人丧失信心(或元气大伤)When his wife left him, it seemed to knock the stuffing out of him.
This flu has really knocked the stuffing out of me.
NOTE Stuffing in this idiom refers to the soft material used to fill cushions, toys, etc. 这个习语中的 stuffing 是指软垫、毛绒玩具等的填充物。
take a (hard, nasty, etc.) ˈknockhave an experience that makes sb/sth less confident or successful; be damaged 遭受(重大)挫折;受到(沉重)打击;受到(严重)破坏His reputation has taken a bit of a knock since the newspapers printed stories about his private life.
bang/knock your/their ˈheads together (informal) force people to stop arguing and behave in a sensible way 迫使人们停止争吵I’d like to bang those stupid politicians’ heads together.我真想让这些愚蠢的政客不要再吵了。beat/knock/kick the ˈhell out of sb/sth (informal) ( beat/knock/kick the ˈshit out of sb/sth , slang ) beat, etc. sb/sth very hard 猛击;狠打If the crowd had managed to get hold of the robber, they would have beaten the hell out of him.要是人们抓住了强盗,一定会把他狠揍一顿。The gang knocked the hell out of him for no reason at all.那帮人无缘无故地痛打了他一顿。knock/throw sb for a ˈloop (NAmE, informal) shock or surprise sb 使震惊;使惊讶The result of the election knocked most people for a loop.选举结果使大多数人感到震惊。knock/talk some ˈsense into sb (informal) try to persuade sb to stop behaving in a stupid way, sometimes using rough or violent methods (有时用粗暴或暴力手段)开导某人别干傻事,说服某人改变愚蠢行为I wish somebody would knock some sense into our politicians.我希望能有人使我们的政客变聪明些。Try and talk some sense into her before she makes the wrong decision.尽力说服她,别让她作出错误的决策。get/knock/lick sb/sth into ˈshapemake sb/sth more acceptable or organized; improve sb/sth 使…变得更易接受(或有条理);使达到标准;改善Do you think you can lick this company into shape?你认为你能让这家公司有起色吗?hit/knock sb/sth for ˈsix (BrE) 1. (often of sth unpleasant 常指不愉快的事物) surprise sb a lot 令某人大吃一惊It really hit me for six to find that my father had written about me in his book.我发现父亲居然在他的书里写到了我,这的确令我深感意外。2. completely destroy a plan, an idea, a suggestion, etc.; knock sb/sth over/down 彻底毁掉(计划、主意、建议等);撞倒某人/某物The stock market crash has hit the economy for six.股市崩盘给了经济以沉重的打击。Toby took a step backwards and knocked the vase for six.托比后退了一步,将花瓶撞翻在地。 NOTE In cricket, if you hit the ball a long distance you score six runs. 在板球中,远距离的击球以六分计算。 blow/knock sb’s ˈsocks off (informal) surprise or impress sb very much 使某人万分惊愕;给某人留下深刻印象With that dress and your new haircut you’ll knock their socks off!你穿这件衣服,再加上这个新发型,一定会把他们惊呆的!touch ˈwood (BrE) (NAmE knock on ˈwood) (saying) used for expressing the hope that your good luck will continue 碰碰木头以求神保佑;希望还走好运We haven’t had a serious accident yet, touch wood.我们还没有遇到过严重的事故,敲敲木头,好运依旧。 NOTE This refers to the custom of touching something made of wood to prevent bad luck. People still often try to touch something made of wood when they say this. 这个习语原指触碰木质物体以防厄运的习俗。现在人们在说这个习语时仍旧会触碰木质物体。




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