

fix fixed fix sb with a look stare gaze etc. flag flagrante
flak flame flames flap flapping
flash flash sb a smile look etc. flat flat as a pancake flat out
flattery flattery will get you everywhere flattery will get you everywhere/nowhere flattery will get you nowhere flaunt
flavour flavour of the month flea flesh flesh and blood
flex flex your muscles flies flight fling
fling mud fling mud at sb fling/sling/throw mud (at sb) flip flip a coin
flip for sth flip/give/shoot sb the bird flip sb the bird flip your lid flip your wig
flit float float on air float sb’s boat float/walk on air
flog flog a dead horse flog sth to death flood floodgates
floods flood the market floor flotsam flotsam and jetsam
flow flower flown flush fly
fly a kite (fly) by the seat of your pants fly by the seat of your pants flyer fly high
flying fly in the face of sth fly into a rage temper etc. fly off at a tangent fly off the handle
fly/show/wave the flag fly the coop fly the flag fly the nest fly your kite
foam foam at the mouth fodder fog fogey
foggiest fold fold sb in your arms follow follow a middle course
follow/go with the crowd follow in sb’s footsteps follow/steer/take a middle course follow suit follow with the crowd
follow your nose fonder food food for thought fool
fooled foolish fools fools rush in fools rush in (where angels fear to tread)
fools rush in where angels fear to tread foot football footloose footloose and fancy-free
footsie footsteps foot the bill foot the bill (for sth) foot the bill for sth
for for a change for a laugh for all intents and purposes for all I you etc. care
for all I you etc. know for (all) practical purposes for all practical purposes for all the world as if for all the world as if/though…
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