

词组 flesh
释义 flesh /fleʃ/ SEE ALL
ˌflesh and ˈbloodthe human body; a normal person with weaknesses, desires, fears, etc. 血肉之躯;凡人皆有的缺点或好恶‘Why did he do it?’ ‘Look, he’d been away from home for six months and he was lonely. He’s only flesh and blood, you know.’
“他为什么这么做?” “唉,他离开家有六个月了,又是孤身一人。要知道,他也不过是个凡人。”
your (own) ˌflesh and ˈblooda member of your own family 血亲;亲人How can I possibly not help him? He’s my own flesh and blood, isn’t he?
in the ˈfleshin sb’s actual presence; in person 亲自;本人It’s very strange seeing somebody in the flesh after seeing them on television for years.
make your ˈflesh creep/crawlmake you feel afraid or full of disgust (害怕或恶心地)起鸡皮疙瘩;使人毛骨悚然This is a movie to make your flesh creep.
The way he looked at me made my flesh crawl.
more than flesh and blood can ˈstand, enˈdure, etc.too painful or unpleasant to tolerate 非血肉之躯所能承受Sometimes the pain is so bad that it is more than flesh and blood can stand.
put flesh on (the bones of) sthdevelop a basic idea, etc. by giving more details to make it more complete 对…进行充实;添加细节于The strength of the book is that it puts flesh on the bare bones of his argument.
(have, demand, claim, etc.) your pound of ˈflesh(take, demand, etc.) the full amount that sb owes you, even if this will cause them trouble or suffering (勒逼偿还)全部债务;(不顾别人死活要讨回)所欠的东西They want their pound of flesh; they want every penny we owe them by next Monday.他们一点不讲情面,要我们在下周一之前归还欠他们的每一分钱。I didn’t realize working here was going to be such hard work. They really demand their pound of flesh, don’t they?我不知道在这里工作这么辛苦。他们简直不顾别人死活,是不是? ORIGIN This phrase comes from Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, in which the moneylender Shylock demanded a pound of flesh from Antonio’s body if he could not pay back the money he borrowed. 这个短语源于莎士比亚戏剧《威尼斯商人》,其中放债人夏洛克要安东尼还债,如不能还,就要从他身上割一磅肉。ˌpress (the) ˈflesh (of a famous person or a politician 名人或政客) shake hands with members of the public, especially in order to persuade them to vote for you 和选民握手以博得好感The presidential candidates were out on the streets again today, smiling for the cameras and pressing the flesh.总统候选人今天又出现在街头,对着摄像镜头微笑,并与公众亲切握手。the ˌspirit is ˈwilling but the ˌflesh (it) is ˈweak (saying, humorous) you intend to do good things but are too tired, lazy, etc. to actually do them 心灵虽然愿意,肉体却软弱;心有余而力不足;力不从心be a thorn in your ˈflesh/ˈsidebe a person or thing that repeatedly annoys you or stops you doing sth 眼中钉;肉中刺;不断让人烦心的人(或事)This patient is a real thorn in my side. He’s always complaining of feeling sick and I can never find anything wrong with him.这个病人真让我烦透了,他总是在抱怨自己不舒服,可我丝毫没发现他哪儿有病。go the way of all ˈfleshdie or come to an end 走向人生终点;死Poor old Johnson has gone the way of all flesh, and the world is certainly a poorer place for it.可怜的老约翰逊走到了人生的终点,从此世界就少了些精彩。 ORIGIN This expression is associated with the Bible. It was made famous by the book ‘The Way of All Flesh’ (1903) by Samuel Butler. 这个表达法与《圣经》有关,后因塞缪尔∙勃特勒所著的《众生之路》(1903年)而出名。




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