

词组 feel
释义 feel /fiːl/ SEE ALL
be/feel ˈout of it/thingsnot be/feel part of a group, a conversation, an activity, etc. 无法融入某个群体(或谈话、活动等)I didn’t know anybody at the party so I felt a bit out of it really.
ˌfeel your ˈagerealize from your physical condition, opinion, views, etc. that you are getting old (从自己的身体状况、观点、看法等中)感到自己老了,意识到自己的年龄He’s not as energetic as he used to be — beginning to feel his age, I suppose.
Listening to this rap music really makes me feel my age.
feel the ˈdraught (informal) suffer financially as a result of economic, social or political changes around you (受经济、社会或政治环境变化的影响而)财政状况恶化,出现财政困难Because of the world trade recession, a lot of third world countries are feeling the draught.
feel ˈfree (to do sth) (informal) (used to give sb permission to do sth 允许某人做某事) you may do as you want; nobody will object if you do sth 请便;可以随便做某事‘May I borrow your bike?’ ‘Feel free!’
Feel free to come and go as you like.
feel (it) in your ˈbones (informal) sense or suspect sth without really knowing why 有预感;凭直觉感觉到That’s funny — I felt in my bones that there was something wrong — and now you tell me there’s been an accident.
真奇怪 - 我当时就觉得有什么不对劲 - 现在你告诉我出了事故。
‘How can you be so sure she’s going to win?’ ‘I can feel it in my bones.’
feel like sth/like doing sthwant to have or do sth 想要某物;想做某事;感觉喜欢(做)某事Do you know what I feel like? A nice cup of tea!
I’m so tired that I feel like going straight to bed.
feel the ˈpinch (informal) be under pressure because you do not have as much money as you had before 拮据;经济困难;手头紧Schools all over the country are beginning to feel the pinch after the government cut back its spending on education.
NOTE If you feel a pinch from a shoe, it hurts your foot because it is too tight. * pinch 指鞋太紧时脚被夹痛的感觉。
feel ˈstrangenot feel comfortable in a situation; have an unpleasant physical feeling 觉得不舒服;觉得难受She felt strange sitting at her father’s desk.
It was terribly hot and I started to feel strange.
feel your ˈway1. move along carefully, for example when it is dark, by touching walls, objects, etc. (在黑暗中等)摸索着走动2. be careful about how you do sth because you are just learning how to do it or you don’t yet have enough information 小心尝试;谨慎行事I don’t know how they will react to the proposal, so at the moment I’m still feeling my way.
He’s only been in the job for three months, so he’s still feeling his way.
get the ˈfeel of sth (informal) become familiar with or get used to sth 开始熟悉;开始适应;习惯于When you’re learning to drive a car, you’ll probably find changing gear difficult, but you’ll soon get the feel of it.
Once you get the feel of a Ferrari, you’ll never want any other car.
have a ˈfeel for sth (informal) have an understanding of sth or be naturally good at doing it 了解某事物;有做某事的天才A good politician has to have a feel for what people want.
not feel yourˈselfnot feel as healthy, happy, etc. as you usually feel 觉得不如平时健康(或快乐等);不自在I don’t feel myself this morning; I think I’ll stay at home.
be/feel duty/honour ˈbound to do sth (BrE) (NAmE be/feel duty/honor ˈbound to do sth) (formal) feel that you must do sth because of your sense of moral duty 感到有义务做某事;做某事有不可推卸的责任She felt honour bound to attend as she had promised to.她觉得既然自己答应了,道义上就一定要出席。Most people think that children are duty bound to look after their parents when they are old.大多数人认为子女有责任赡养年迈的父母。be/feel hard ˈdone by (informal) be/feel unfairly treated 受到不公平的对待;感到委屈I think you’ve been hard done by — you worked twice as long as anyone else.我觉得这对你不公平,你比其他人的工作时间要多一倍。be/feel honoured (to do sth)feel proud and happy (做某事)感到荣幸I was honoured to have been mentioned in his speech.他在讲话中提到了我,真是荣幸。be/feel like ˈjelly ( turn to ˈjelly) (of legs or knees 腿或膝) feel weak because you are nervous or frightened (由于紧张或恐惧而)发软She couldn’t move — her head was swimming, her mouth was dry and her legs felt like jelly.她动弹不得:头晕晕的,嘴干干的,腿软得像棉花。be/feel ˈlost without sb/sthfeel unable to work or live without sb/sth 离开…便感觉无法工作(或生活)I left my watch at home and I feel lost without it.我把手表落在家里了,没了手表感觉魂不守舍。I’m completely lost without my diary.不记日记我就活不下去。look/feel like a million ˈdollars/ˈbucks (informal) look/feel extremely good 看上去/感觉好极了With her new haircut and new clothes, she felt like a million dollars, and looked like too.她理了新发型,穿上新衣服,自己感觉好极了,别人看着也不错。be/feel sick at ˈheart (formal) be very unhappy or disappointed 很难过;非常失望When I realized the accident was my fault, I felt sick at heart.认识到这起事故是我的错,我觉得心情很沉痛。be/feel ˈsorry for sbfeel sympathy or pity for sb 同情;怜悯I feel sorry for all the people who are alone at Christmas.我同情所有在圣诞节形单影孤的人。be/feel ˈsorry for yourself (informal, disapproving) be/feel unhappy because you think other people have treated you badly, etc. 觉得自己倒霉;感到愤愤不平You can’t sit there feeling sorry for yourself all day.你不能整天坐在那里自怨自怜。look/feel ˈsmall ( feel ˈthat high) feel stupid, embarrassed or ridiculous in front of other people 显得/感觉矮人一截;显得/感到渺小;显得/觉得难为情Why did you tell everyone that I’d failed all my school exams? I felt so small.你为什么跟谁都说我考试门门不及格?我觉得太丢脸了。Mrs Jones made him feel that high when she criticized his work in front of everybody.琼斯夫人当着众人的面批评他的工作,让他觉得矮人一截。 NOTE When using the expression feel that high, you often use your thumb and finger to indicate something small. 使用 feel that high 这一表达法时,常以拇指及其他手指示意只有那么小。




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