

词组 flies
释义 flies /flaɪz/ SEE ALL
die/drop/fall like ˈfliesdie, become ill, etc. in large numbers 大批死掉(或病倒等)During the epidemic people were dropping like flies.
(there are) no flies on sb (informal) 1. sb is not stupid and therefore cannot be tricked or deceived easily 某人不是傻瓜,不会轻易上当You can’t just tell her that you’ve lost the money; she’ll never believe you. There are no flies on Jane, you know.
2. sb is skilful or clever at doing sth 某人精明强干There are no flies on Jim. He can persuade anybody to buy a car from him.
as the ˈcrow flies (informal) (of a distance 距离) measured in a straight line 直线地;笔直地;不绕道地From here to the village it’s five miles as the crow flies, but it’s a lot further by road.从这里到村子直线距离有五英里,可是走公路要远得多。time ˈflies (saying) time seems to pass very quickly 时间过得真快;岁月如梭How time flies! I’ve got to go now.时间过得真快啊!我得走了。Time has flown since I started working here.开始在这里工作以来时间就过得飞快。 ORIGIN This is a translation of the Latin phrase ‘tempus fugit’. 这个短语译自拉丁语短语 tempus fugit。




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