

词组 foot
释义 foot /fʊt/ SEE ALL
foot the ˈbill (for sth)be responsible for paying the cost of sth 负担费用;买单The local council will have to foot the bill for damage done to the roads in last years’s floods.
get/have a/your ˌfoot in the ˈdoorstart/have started to be accepted in an organization, a group, a profession, etc. that could bring you success 开始被某组织(或团体、行业等)接受It’s difficult to get your foot in the door as a young actor without any experience.


aggressive, foot-in-the-door sales techniques
get/start off on the right/wrong ˈfoot (with sb) (informal) start a relationship well/badly 一开始就相处得好/不好I seem to have got off on the wrong foot with the new boss.
have a foot in both ˈcamps (informal) be involved with two separate groups, etc. that have different ideas 同时与两个理念不同的组织等有关联;脚踏两只船She works in industry and at a university, so she’s got a foot in both camps.
have ˌone foot in the ˈgrave (informal, humorous) be so old or ill that you probably will not live much longer 行将就木;已经半截入土I may be retired, but that doesn’t mean I’ve got one foot in the grave, you know.
…my ˈfoot! (informal, humorous) a strong way of saying that you disagree completely with what has just been said (表示强烈反对)胡说八道,瞎扯‘Ian can’t come because he’s tired.’ ‘Tired my foot! Lazy more like!’
not/never put/set a foot ˈwrong (informal) never make a mistake 从来不犯错误;从不走错一步According to her colleagues, she never put a foot wrong.
on ˈfootwalking, in contrast to other ways of travelling 步行It’ll take you half an hour on foot, or five minutes in the car.
put your ˈfoot down (informal) 1. drive faster in a car 踩油门;加速行驶If you put your foot down, we might be home by seven o’clock.
2. use your authority to stop sb doing sth 利用权威制止某事;坚决反对When she asked if she could stay out until midnight, I put my foot down and insisted that she come home by eleven at the latest.
put your ˈfoot in it (BrE) ( put your foot in your ˈmouth NAmE , BrE) (informal) say or do sth that upsets, offends or embarrasses sb without intending to 失言;说错话;(无意中)冒犯某人He really put his foot in it when he mentioned the party to her. She hadn’t been invited.
set ˈfoot in/on sthenter or visit a place 进入,参观(某地)Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon, in July 1969.
1969 年 7 月,尼尔 ∙ 阿姆斯特朗成了第一个登上月球的人。
She’s been complaining from the moment she set foot in this hotel.
put your best foot ˈforwardgo, work, etc. as fast as you can 从速行事If we put our best foot forward, we should be there by noon.要是我们动作快点,到正午前应该能赶到那里。the boot is on the other ˈfoot (BrE) (NAmE the shoe is on the other ˈfoot) (informal) a situation is now the opposite of what it was 情况与原来相反;此一时,彼一时She used to be the one who had to obey orders, but the boot is on the other foot now she’s been promoted.她过去总得听人指使,但被提拔之后就倒过来了,开始发号施令起来。bind/tie sb hand and ˈfootremove or restrict sb’s freedom of action or movement 限制某人的行动自由;束缚某人Staying at home to look after a sick parent often means that a person is tied hand and foot.在家照顾生病的父母通常意味着失去行动自由。I can do nothing to help you because I’m bound hand and foot by my present contract.我没法帮你,因为我现在被合同限制着。from ˌhead to ˈfoot/ˈtoeall over your body; completely 从头到脚;全身She was dressed from head to foot in white.她从头到脚穿了一身白。He was covered from head to foot in mud.他浑身是泥。shoot yourself in the ˈfoot (informal) do or say sth stupid which is against your own interests (因做蠢事或说蠢话而)损害自己的利益;自找麻烦You’d better prepare your argument carefully — you don’t want to shoot yourself in the foot.你最好认真准备你的论点 - 你不想说蠢话而让自己丢脸吧。wait on sb ˌhand and ˈfoot (disapproving) do almost everything for sb, for example cook meals, bring everything they ask for, etc. 殷勤地侍候某人;让某人饭来张口衣来伸手My father expects my mother to wait on him hand and foot.我父亲希望母亲全心伺候他。




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