

词组 head
释义 head /hed/ SEE ALL
above/over sb’s ˈheadtoo difficult for sb to understand 超出某人的理解能力It was clear from the expression on his face that the lecture went completely over his head.
be banging, etc. your head against a brick ˈwall (informal) try for a long time to achieve sth, persuade sb to do sth, etc. without success 徒劳无益;枉费心机I realized they weren’t even listening to my protests. I was just banging my head against a brick wall.
bite/snap sb’s ˈhead off (informal) speak to sb angrily without good reason (无道理地)呵斥某人He was only making a suggestion — there’s no need to snap his head off!
bring sth/come to a ˈheadif you bring a situation to a head or it comes to a head you are forced to deal with it quickly because it suddenly becomes very bad (使事情)到了危急关头Matters came to a head yesterday when an emergency meeting was called to demand the directors’ resignation.
Her recent public remarks about company policy have finally brought matters to a head.
build up/work up, etc. a head of ˈsteamdevelop the energy, enthusiasm or support required to do sth 大力推动;形成势头The movement for change has been building up a head of steam and the politicians are starting to listen.
bury/hide your ˌhead in the ˈsandrefuse to deal with unpleasant realities, possible dangers, etc. by pretending they do not exist 采取鸵鸟政策;不正视现实;回避问题Stop burying your head in the sand, Tim. Don’t pretend that everything’s all right.
ORIGIN This phrase refers to the common belief that the ostrich buries its head in the sand when it is in danger. 这个短语原指一种普遍认识,即鸵鸟遇到危险时会把头埋进沙中。
can’t make head or/nor ˈtail of sth (informal) not be able to understand sth at all 一点儿都不理解;茫无头绪I can’t make head or tail of this picture — is it upside down?
do sb’s ˈhead in (BrE, informal) make sb feel confused, upset and/or annoyed 使某人困惑(或烦恼、生气等)Shut up! You’re doing my head in.
from ˌhead to ˈfoot/ˈtoeall over your body; completely 从头到脚;全身She was dressed from head to foot in white.
He was covered from head to foot in mud.
get your ˈhead down (informal) 1. work or study hard 埋头工作(或学习)If you want to pass that French exam, you’ll have to get your head down.
2. go to bed and sleep 上床睡觉It’s time to get our heads down; we have to be up early tomorrow morning.
get your ˈhead round sth (BrE, informal) understand sth difficult, often with a lot of effort 努力理解困难之事The plan is so complicated — I’m still trying to get my head round it.
get sth into your/sb’s (thick) ˈhead (informal) succeed in understanding or in making sb understand sth fully (使)充分理解,明白When are you going to get it into your thick head that you don’t need to worry about money? You’re rich now.
I’m still trying to get it into my head that I’m free to do what I want now.
get/take it into your ˈhead that… (informal) think or believe sth, often wrongly (常指错误地)相信;误认为Somehow she’s taken it into her head that her husband is trying to poison her.
give sb their ˈheadgive sb the freedom to do what they want 放任自主;让某人随意而为We must give the new art teacher her head, so that she has the freedom to do things differently.
OPP tie sb’s hands ORIGIN This idiom refers to allowing a horse to go as fast as it likes when you are riding it. 这个习语原指骑马时放开马缰任其奔跑。
go to your ˈhead1. (of alcohol ) make you feel a bit drunk 上头;使有醉意I can’t drink more than two pints of beer — it goes straight to my head.
2. (of success, fame, praise, etc. 成功、名气、赞扬等) make you feel too proud of yourself in a way that other people find annoying 使人过于骄傲;冲昏头脑Just because you had a small part in a movie, don’t let it go to your head!
have a good ˈhead on your shouldersbe a sensible person 头脑清醒;明智Don’t worry about the children — Laura’s with them and she’s got a good head on her shoulders.
have a (good) head for ˈfiguresbe good at doing sums, etc. 工于计算If you want to be successful in business, you must have a good head for figures.
have a (good) head for ˈheightsbe able to stand on a high place without feeling ill or afraid 不恐高I won’t go up the church tower with you. I’ve no head for heights.
have your head in the ˈclouds (informal) not be realistic because you are always thinking of your own hopes, ideas, dreams, etc. 好幻想;想入非非He wants us to start a business together but it would never work. He’s got his head in the clouds half the time.
OPP have/keep both/your feet on the ground
have your ˈhead screwed on (the right way) (informal) be sensible 头脑清醒;理智You can certainly trust Ann with your money. She’s got her head screwed on the right way.
OPP have a screw loose
a/per ˈheadfor each person 每人The meal shouldn’t cost more than $30 a head.
这顿饭每人最多花 30 美元。
head and ˈshoulders above sb/sthvery much better, greater, etc. than sb/sth 远比…出色;大大超过He’s head and shoulders above the other candidates.
ˌhead ˈfirst1. moving forwards or downwards with your head in front of the rest of your body 头在前;头朝下He fell head first down the stairs.
2. without thinking carefully about sth before acting 仓促地;鲁莽地She got divorced and rushed head first into another marriage.
(the) head ˈhoncho (informal, especially NAmE) the person who is in charge; the boss 负责人;老板Claude is the studio’s head honcho, so talk to him if you have a problem.
ORIGIN This phrase comes from the Japanese word hancho, meaning ‘group leader’. 这个短语源于日语,意为“团队领导”。
head ˈnorth/ˈsouth (business 商业) (about share prices, currencies, etc.) rise/fall in value (股价、汇率等)上升/下降The country’s currency headed south for the second day, weakening 1.4%.
该国货币汇率连续第二天下跌,跌幅达 1.4%。
head over ˈheels (in ˈlove)completely in love 迷恋;深爱着He’s head over heels in love with his new girlfriend.
a ˌhead ˈstart (on/over sb)an advantage that sb already has before they start doing sth 先起步的优势;有利的开端Being able to speak French gave her a head start over the other candidates.
hold your ˈhead up (high)not feel ashamed, guilty or embarrassed about sth 昂首;不以为耻After this scandal, he will never be able to hold his head up high again.
OPP hang your head (in/for shame)
in over your ˈheadinvolved in sth that is too difficult for you to deal with 卷入力不从心的事After a week in the new job, I soon realized that I was in over my head.
keep your ˈheadthink clearly and remain calm 保持镇静If there is a robbery, you should try to keep your head and do as you are told.
keep your ˈhead above watersucceed in staying out of debt; manage to deal with tasks, responsibilities, etc. 设法不负债;能应付工作;能过得去The company had great difficulty keeping its head above water during the economic crisis.
I don’t know how she manages to keep her head above water. She has so much to do.
keep your ˈhead down (informal) 1. avoid being noticed or being seen in public 避免引起注意;保持低姿态;低调行事She’s so unpopular with the voters that the Prime Minister has told her to keep her head down until after the election.
In the army you soon learn to keep your head down and stay out of trouble.
2. work very hard 努力工作He kept his head down for weeks before the final exams.
lose your ˈhead (informal) become unable to act in a calm or sensible way 失去理智; 恐慌失措It’s a very frightening situation, but we mustn’t lose our heads.
OPP keep a level head
need, want, etc. your ˈhead examined (informal) used for saying that sb is behaving in a crazy or stupid way 发疯;脑袋有毛病She spent $300 on a pair of shoes? She needs her head examined.
她花 300 美元买了双鞋?真是疯了。
on sb’s (own) head ˈbe it (often used for warning sb 常用作告诫语) somebody is alone responsible for the results of their action or decision 归咎于某人;后果自负You refuse to go to your own daughter’s wedding? On your head be it!
On his own head be it if he decides to leave college early.
out of/off your ˈhead (BrE, informal) 1. crazy 疯了;神经错乱Are you off your head?
2. not knowing what you are saying or doing because of the effects of alcohol or drugs (酒后或吸毒后)胡言乱语,行为乖张,神志不清Don’t even try to have a proper conversation with him — he’s off his head.
over sb’s ˈheadto a higher position of authority than sb 职位更高的;越级向上He gets angry when you go over his head and talk to his boss.
put your ˌhead in the lion’s ˈmouthdeliberately put yourself in a dangerous or risky situation 把脑袋往狮子嘴里送;使自己置身险境;铤而走险So I put my head in the lion’s mouth and asked my boss for a pay rise.
put sth out of your ˈheadstop thinking about or wanting sth 不再想某事;打消(念头)I am not going to let you go to the party, so you can put that idea out of your head.
rear/raise its (ugly) ˈhead (used of sth considered unpleasant 不受欢迎的事物) appear again after being hidden or forgotten 再次露头;再次出现Political corruption has reared its ugly head again.
Famine has raised its head again in many parts of the world.
scream, shout, etc. your ˈhead off (informal) scream, shout, etc. a lot and very loudly 连续大声尖叫(或喊叫等)She screamed her head off when I jumped out at her.
stand/turn sth on its ˈhead1. turn sth upside down 将某物倒置2. make people think about sth in a completely different way 使人完全改变思路;提出截然不同的观点He stood the argument on its head, saying that the plan wouldn’t save money and would, in fact, cost more.
take it into your head to do sthsuddenly decide to do sth 心血来潮;突发奇想She’s taken it into her head to give all her books away.
turn sb’s ˈhead (of success, praise, etc. 成功、赞扬等) make a person feel too proud in a way that other people find annoying 冲昏某人的头脑;使某人得意忘形You’d better stop giving me all these compliments, or you’ll turn my head!
like a ˌbear with a sore ˈhead (informal) very bad-tempered 脾气很坏的;易怒的She’s like a bear with a sore head in the mornings.她早上通常脾气很暴躁。head/top the ˈbillbe the most important item or performer in a show, play, etc. 是最重要的节目(或表演者);主演;压轴Topping the bill tonight will be Robbie Williams.今晚的压轴歌手是罗比 ∙ 威廉斯。put/lay your head/neck on the blockrisk defeat, failure, etc.; put yourself in a situation where you might be blamed, criticized, etc. 冒失败的危险;将自己置于有可能受到指责(或批评等)的境地The government laid its head on the block and said that if it loses this vote in Parliament tonight it will call an election.政府冒风险称,如果在议会今晚的投票中失利的话将要求举行选举。I’m prepared to put my neck on the block and promise that the new building will be ready by the end of the year.我愿意拿自己的人头担保新楼将在年底竣工。 ORIGIN In the past when people were executed (= killed as a punishment), they had to lay their head on a block so that it could be chopped off. 旧时被处死刑的人将头置于 block (木墩)上引颈断头。have/keep a clear ˈheadbe able to think clearly, especially because you have not had any alcohol, drugs, etc. (尤指因没有喝酒、吸毒等而)头脑清醒Don’t give me any wine, I must keep a clear head for the meeting this afternoon.别给我喝酒,我下午开会,得保持清醒。 OPP a thick head enter sb’s ˈheadbe thought of by sb; occur to sb 被…想起;被…意识到It never even entered my head that we might not win.我从没想过我们会赢不了。have eyes in the back of your ˈhead (informal) seem to be able to see everything and know what is going on 背后长眼,眼观六路(喻目光敏锐)You have to have eyes in the back of your head to keep control of six lively children.要管好六个活蹦乱跳的小孩,必须能眼观六路。your eyes nearly pop out of your ˈhead (informal) sb has an expression of great surprise on their face (惊讶得)眼珠都快掉出来了Our eyes nearly popped out of our heads when we saw a giraffe walking down the High Street.我们看见一头长颈鹿走在大街上,惊得眼珠都快掉出来了。 ˈeye-popping


very surprising or amazing 令人大为吃惊(或惊奇)的a movie with eye-popping special effects一部特技效果非同一般的影片
have a ˈgun to your head (informal) be forced to do sth that you do not want to do 被枪顶着脑袋;被迫做某事;受胁迫‘Why did he go back to his wife?’ ‘Because he had a gun to his head. She said she would never let him see the children again.’“他为什么又回到妻子身边去了?”“他是被逼的,她说不然的话会让他再也见不到孩子。”hold/put a ˈgun to sb’s headforce sb to do sth that they do not want to do by making threats 用枪顶住某人的脑袋;威胁某人;胁迫某人就范He had to sack a hundred workers last week. He didn’t want to, but the bank was holding a gun to his head.上周他不得不解雇了一百名工人。虽然他不情愿,但银行逼得紧。not harm/touch a hair of sb’s ˈheadnot hurt sb physically in any way at all 不动某人一根头发;丝毫不伤害某人If he harms a hair of my daughter’s head, I’ll kill him.他要是敢碰我女儿一根毫毛,我就宰了他!hang over sb’s ˈheadhang ˈover sb (of a possible problem, etc. 可能出现的问题等) worry sb 烦扰着某人With the threat of job losses hanging over their heads, the staff are all very worried.面临可能失去工作的威胁,员工们都忧心忡忡。She can’t enjoy herself with all these financial problems hanging over her.财政问题困扰着她,她没法高兴。hang your ˈhead (in/for ˈshame)look or feel embarrassed or ashamed 羞愧地低下头When I think of how I behaved, I have to hang my head in shame.一想起自己的行为,我就羞愧难当。The thief hung his head as he was led away by the police.小偷被警方带走时,羞愧地低着头。 OPP hold your head up (high) let your ˌheart rule your ˈheadact according to what you feel rather than what you think is sensible 情感胜过理智;感情用事Don’t let your heart rule your head. I know you like him but are you sure you can really trust him?不要感情用事。我知道你喜欢他,可是你能确定自己真的信任他吗?hit the nail on the ˈhead (informal) say sth that is exactly right 说到点子上;正中要害‘So you want to move to another department.’ ‘You’ve hit the nail on the head. That’s exactly what I want.’“这么说你想调到另一个部门去。”“一点不错,这正是我所想的。” OPP be/fall wide of the mark need/want sb/sth like (you need/want) a ˌhole in the ˈhead (informal) definitely not need/want sb/sth at all 绝对不需要/不想要I had to get home before midnight, and just then I needed a flat tyre like a hole in the head.我必须在午夜前到家,可偏偏车胎爆了,真是不要什么来什么。give sb iˈdeas ( put iˈdeas in/into sb’s head) give sb hopes about sth that may not be possible or likely; make sb act or think in an unreasonable way 使某人抱有空想(或做不切实际的事);让(某人)想入非非Don’t keep telling him about your adventures in Africa. You’re giving him ideas.不要总对他讲述你在非洲的历险了,你会让他想入非非的。Who’s been putting ideas into his head?谁在给他灌输这些不切实际的想法?I’ll knock your ˈblock/ˈhead off! (BrE, spoken) used to threaten sb that you will hit them (用于威胁某人)我要把你脑袋揪下来,我要揍扁你knock sth on the ˈhead (BrE, informal) stop doing sth; stop sth from happening 停止做某事;阻止某事发生By lunchtime we were all exhausted so we knocked it on the head.午饭时我们都已经筋疲力尽了,就停下不干了。The increase in airfares has knocked our plan to travel this year on the head.机票价格的上涨使我们今年的旅行计划化为泡影。laugh your ˈhead offlaugh very loudly and for a long time 大笑不止;笑疯了If old Mr Bradley could see you now he’d laugh his head off.要是老布拉德利先生看到你现在的样子,一定会笑掉大牙。 OPP cry your eyes out keep a level ˈheadremain calm and sensible, even in difficult situations (在困境中)保持镇静,不慌不忙She managed to keep a level head when all the others panicked.其他人全都惊慌失措,她仍尽力保持冷静。 OPP lose your head ˌlevel-ˈheaded


Nurses need to be level-headed.护士需要头脑冷静。
(have) an old head on young ˈshouldersused to describe a young person who acts in a more sensible way than you would expect for a person of their age 年轻而有见识;少年老成He’s only seventeen, but he has an old head on young shoulders and remains calm under pressure.他只有十七岁,不过少年老成,面对压力沉着冷静。a ˈprice on sb’s heada reward for finding or killing a criminal 缉拿(或杀死)某人的悬赏金In the Wild West there were cowboys who used to hunt down any man with a price on his head.在西大荒,牛仔们曾为得到悬赏而穷追任何要追捕的对象。ring in your ˈears/ˈheadmake you feel you can still hear sth 余音绕梁;在耳边回响Months later, the applause at the Berlin concert was still ringing in her ears.几个月过去了,柏林音乐会上的掌声似乎还在她耳边回响。a ˈroof over your head (informal) a place to live; a house 居住的地方;栖身之所Everyone needs a roof over their heads but thousands remain homeless.每个人都需要一个居住的地方,可是还有成千上万的人无家可归。have a rush of blood to the ˈhead (humorous) because of a strong emotion, suddenly (decide to) do sth foolish or dangerous 激动得冲昏了头脑;一时冲动I don’t really know why I bought that vase. I just had a rush of blood to the head and wrote a cheque.我不太清楚自己为什么会买下那个花瓶,我只是一时昏了头就开了张支票。scratch your ˈhead (over sth)think hard in order to find an answer to sth 绞尽脑汁;苦思冥想We’re all scratching our heads for a solution to this problem.为了找到这个问题的答案我们都绞尽脑汁。shake your ˈheadmove your head from side to side as a way of saying ‘no’, or to show sadness, disagreement, disapproval, etc. 摇头(表示拒绝、难过、不同意、反对等)She didn’t say anything — she just shook her head and sighed.她什么也没说─只是摇摇头,叹了口气。win, lose, etc. by a short ˈheadwin, lose, etc. but by only a little 以微弱的优势取胜(或以极小的劣势失利)The competition was tough but the winner by a short head was John Smith.竞争非常激烈,最后约翰 ∙ 史密斯以微弱的优势获胜。 ORIGIN This expression refers to a close finish in horse racing. 这个表达法原指赛马的结果难分难解。smash sb’s ˈface/ˈhead in (BrE, informal) hit sb very hard in the face/head 猛击某人的脸/头Give me the money or I’ll smash your head in.把钱给我,不然我揍扁你。be/go soft in the ˈhead (informal, disapproving) be/become crazy or stupid 脑子有毛病;发疯;犯傻Sometimes I talk to myself in the street; people must think I’m soft in the head.有时候我在大街上自言自语,人们一定以为我脑子有毛病。do sth standing on your ˈhead (informal) do sth very easily, without any effort 做某事毫不费力(或轻而易举)This exam’s no problem. I could do it standing on my head.这个考试不成问题,对我来说不费吹灰之力。talk through the back of your ˈhead (informal) talk nonsense 说话不用脑子;胡说八道If he says that he’s going to win the prize, he’s talking through the back of his head.他说他会得奖吗,他是在说胡话呢!talk your ˈhead off (informal) talk a lot 喋喋不休;说个不停He talked his head off all evening.他整晚都在喋喋不休。a thick ˈhead (informal) a physical condition in which your head is painful or you cannot think clearly as a result of an illness or of drinking too much alcohol (生病或酗酒导致的)昏沉脑袋,头脑迷糊I’ve got a really thick head this morning.今天早上,我的头昏昏沉沉的。 OPP have/keep a clear head off the ˌtop of your ˈhead (informal) as a guess; without having time to think carefully 单凭猜测;信口地;不加思索地Off the top of my head I’d say it would cost $2 000 to do the repairs.我猜整修大概得花 2 000 美元。‘What’s the population of Liverpool?’ ‘I’m afraid I couldn’t tell you off the top of my head.’“利物浦有多少人口?”“抱歉,我不能马上说出来。”use your ˈhead (BrE also use your ˈloaf) (informal) think carefully; use your intelligence 动动脑子;仔细想想Use your loaf! Meena can’t read English, so there’s no point in writing her a letter!动动脑子吧!米娜不懂英文,给她写信根本没用! ORIGIN In rhyming slang, loaf of bread stands for ‘head’. 在同韵俚语中,loaf of bread代表head。wet the baby’s ˈhead (informal) have a drink to celebrate the birth of a baby 喝酒来庆祝婴儿降生




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