

holiday holidays holies hollow holy
holy of holies home home and dry home free home is where the heart is
home sweet home homework honcho honest! honest
honest to God honest to God/goodness honest to goodness honesty honey
honeymoon honour honour among thieves honoured honours
honours are even hoof hoof it hook hookey
hook line and sinker hooks hoops hoot hop
hope hope against hope (that…) hope for the best hopes hope springs eternal
hopping hopping mad hopping mad (about/over sth) hopping mad about sth hopping mad over sth
hop to it horizon horn hornet horns
horror horror of horrors horse horses horses for courses
hostage hot hot air hot and bothered hotfoot
hotfoot it hot off the press hot on sb’s heels hot on sb’s/sth’s tracks/trail hot on sb’s tracks
hot on sb’s trail hot on sth’s tracks hot on sth’s trail hots hot stuff
hot under the collar hounds hour hours house
household houseroom houses housetops how
how about that ! how about that then! how about them apples? how about…? how are you etc. fixed ?
how are you etc. fixed (for sth)? how are you etc. fixed for sth? how can/could you! how can you! how come (…)?
how could you! how dare you etc. how does…grab you? how do you do how do you like them apples?
how long is a piece of string? how selfish stupid ungrateful etc. can you get? how the other half lives how/what about that ( then)! how/what about…?
how what why etc. on earth… how why etc. in the world… how would you like it? how’s that for a…? how’s this for a…?
how’s this/that for a…? how’s tricks? huddle hue huff
huff and puff hum human hum and haw humble
hum/hem and haw hump hundred hung hunkers
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