

词组 horses
释义 horses BrE /ˈhɔːsɪz/
NAmE /ˈhɔːrsɪz/
change/swap horses in midˈstreamchange to a different or new activity while you are in the middle of sth else; change from supporting one person or thing to another 过河途中换马;中途改变计划(或支持另外的人)‘I don’t believe in changing horses in midstream,’ he said. ‘Give this policy a chance before you think of changing it.’
hold your ˈhorses (informal) used for asking sb to stop for a moment, speak more slowly, etc. 停一停;且慢Hold your horses! We haven’t finished the last question yet.
ˌhorses for ˈcourses (BrE) people or things should only be used for the purpose which they are most suitable for 物尽其用,人尽其才I think Johnson would be much better for this job. It’s a question of horses for courses.
NOTE This expression refers to the fact that horses race better on a track that suits them. 这个表达法原指马匹在适合自己的跑道上跑得更快。
drive a coach and ˈhorses through sthsucceed in avoiding certain rules, conditions, etc. in an obvious and important way, without being punished (明目张胆地)钻…的空子The wage increase we’ve been given is three times the government’s limit. We’ve driven a coach and horses right through their pay policy.我们的工资涨幅已是政府规定的三倍,我们是钻了工资政策的空子。wild ˈhorses couldn’t/wouldn’t drag sb there, prevent sb doing sth, etc. (informal, humorous) nothing would make or persuade sb to go somewhere, do sth, etc. 任何东西都不能阻止某人去某地(或做某事);八匹马也拉不回某人Wild horses wouldn’t keep me at home on a Saturday night.我周六晚上无论如何也不愿呆在家里。if wishes were ˌhorses, beggars would/might ˈride (saying) wishing for sth does not make it happen 如果愿望都能实现,乞丐早就发财了;愿望难成现实




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