

词组 justice
释义 justice /ˈdʒʌstɪs/ SEE ALL
bring sb to ˈjusticearrest sb for a crime and put them on trial in a court of law (将某人)绳之以法,捉拿归案It is his job to bring the murderer to justice.
do justice to ˈsb/ˈsthˌdo sb/sth ˈjusticesay or do sth which shows that you know or recognize the true value of sb/sth; show the true value of sth 公正对待某人;给以正确评价They were not hungry and couldn’t do justice to her excellent cooking.
This picture doesn’t do him justice; he’s much better-looking in real life.
ˌdo yourself ˈjusticedo sth as well as you can in order to show other people how good you are 发挥自己的能力(或潜力);显示自己的水平(或价值)She’s a very good painter, but in her recent work she hasn’t done herself justice.
He didn’t do himself justice in the match. He hadn’t trained hard enough.
perˌvert the course of ˈjustice (law 法律) tell a lie or do sth in order to prevent the police, etc. from finding out the truth about a crime 作伪证;妨碍司法公正He was arrested and charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice.他被逮捕并被指控企图妨碍司法公正。poetic ˈjusticea punishment or reward that is deserved 应得的赏罚;善有善报,恶有恶报If you ask me it’s poetic justice. He tried to get you fired, and now he’s lost his job himself.依我看,他罪有应得。他想让你丢工作,结果自己却丢了饭碗。rough ˈjusticepunishment or rewards given without enough care so that people feel they have been unfairly treated 不够公正的待遇The pensioners complained that they had received rough justice when their claim for an increase in benefits was rejected without discussion.领养老金者抱怨他们受到了不公正的对待,因为他们增加救济金的要求未经讨论就被拒绝了。




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