

词组 hot
释义 hot BrE /hɒt/
NAmE /hɑːt/
be ˌhot to ˈtrot (informal) 1. be very enthusiastic about starting an activity 热切期待(某项活动)She’s hot to trot and ready to start work next week if we want her to.
2. be excited in a sexual way 欲火中烧;性欲冲动
go ˌhot and ˈcold (all ˈover) (informal) suddenly feel very worried, upset or frightened when you remember sth very unpleasant (因回忆起不好的事而)突然感到焦虑(或恐惧)I go hot and cold all over when I think of that train accident. It was so terrible.
hot ˈair (informal) impressive but worthless or empty promises 空话;夸夸其谈Don’t believe anything she says. It’s all hot air.
(all) hot and ˈbothered (informal) worried and upset 焦灼不安;心慌意乱Ministers are getting all hot and bothered about official secrets getting out.
You’re looking a bit hot and bothered. Is everything OK?
a ˈhot line (to sb)a special telephone line to an important person, such as a president, etc. which is used in emergencies 热线The President of the United States spoke on the hot line with the Prime Minister about the crisis.
ˌhot off the ˈpressnews that is hot off the press has just appeared in the newspapers and is fresh and usually exciting 最新报道;新出炉的消息Listen to this story — it’s hot off the press!
NOTE Paper that has just been printed on a press (= printing machine) is still warm. 刚从印刷机(press)上印出的纸还是暖烘烘的。
hot on sb’s/sth’s ˈtracks/ˈtrail (informal) close to catching or finding the person or thing that you have been chasing or searching for 紧追;快要抓到,即将找到(人或物)The burglar ran away, with the police hot on his trail.
a hot poˈtato (informal) a very sensitive matter that is difficult or embarrassing to deal with 棘手的问题;敏感话题;烫手山芋His resignation is a political hot potato.
a ˈhot spot (informal) 1. a place where fighting is common, especially for political reasons (尤指因政治原因而)冲突不断的地方;热点地区As a journalist, I get sent to one hot spot after another.
2. a place where there is a lot of activity or entertainment 热闹的娱乐场所;夜生活中心We went clubbing in some of Ibiza’s most famous hot spots.
hot ˈstuff (informal, especially BrE) 1. sb/sth of very high quality 了不起的人/事物He’s really hot stuff as a tennis player.
2. a sexually attractive person; a film/movie, book, etc. that is exciting in a sexual way 性感的人;色情电影(或书籍等)She seems to think he’s really hot stuff.
His new book is really hot stuff.
hot under the ˈcollar (informal) annoyed, embarrassed or excited 生气;窘迫;紧张不安He gets very hot under the collar if people disagree with him.
in hot purˈsuit (of sb/sth)chasing sb; trying to catch sb (对…)穷追不舍He grabbed the jewels and ran, with several customers in hot pursuit.
in the ˈhot seat (informal) a position of responsibility in which you must deal with difficult questions, criticism or attacks 处境尴尬;处于困境Our radio phone-in today is on transport, and the Minister of Transport will be in the hot seat, ready to answer your questions.
in hot ˈwater (informal) in trouble 处于困境She got into hot water for being late.
The new clerk was in hot water because she forgot to ask for a receipt for the money.
This sort of behaviour will land him in hot water.
make it ˈhot for sb (informal) make a situation very difficult or uncomfortable for sb 不让某人好过;刁难某人If you insist on staying here, I can make it very hot for you.
more …/more often than sb has had hot ˈdinners (informal, often humorous) used for emphasizing how much/many or how often sb has done sth (用于强调)比你吃饭的次数还多,太多次,很多He’s won more medals than you’ve had hot dinners.
She’s been to France more often than you’ve had hot dinners.
not so/too ˈhot (informal) not very well, healthy, etc.; not very good 不舒服;不得劲;不太好‘How do you feel today?’ ‘Not so hot.’
Her work’s not too hot, is it? I thought she’d be better than this!
sell/go like ˈhot cakes (informal) be sold quickly in great quantities 畅销;热卖The band’s latest record is selling like hot cakes.
too ˈhot for sb ( too hot to ˈhandle) (informal) (too) difficult, dangerous, etc. for sb (对某人而言)很困难(或危险等)When the scandal became public, things got too hot for the Minister and she resigned.
The newspapers won’t print the story — it’s just too hot to handle.
报纸不愿意刊载这篇报道 - 太敏感了,不好处理。
blow hot and ˈcold (informal) keep changing your opinions about sb/sth 拿不定主意;出尔反尔;冷热无常She keeps blowing hot and cold about the job: one day she says it’s marvellous, the next she hates it.她对这份工作的态度反复无常:今天说它好极了,明天又讨厌它。like a ˌcat on hot ˈbricks (BrE) (NAmE , less frequent like a ˌcat on a hot tin ˈroof) (informal) very nervous 局促不安;如坐针毡;像热锅上的蚂蚁He’ll be like a cat on hot bricks till he gets his exam results.他在知道考试结果前会一直局促不安。hard/hot on sb’s ˈheelsfollowing sb closely because you want to catch them 跟踪;追赶;紧随其后Jane has the most points at the moment, but the other competitors are hot on her heels.现在简得分最高,但是其他选手的分数和她咬得很紧。The police are hard on his heels.警察在严密跟踪他。ˌstrike while the ˌiron is ˈhot (saying) do sth immediately because now is a particularly good time to do it 趁热打铁;勿错失良机He seems in a good mood. Why don’t you strike while the iron is hot and ask him now?他似乎心情不错。你为什么现在不趁热打铁去问他呢? ORIGIN A blacksmith (= a person who makes things out of iron) must strike (= hit) the iron while it is hot enough to be bent into the shape required. 铁匠(blacksmith)须趁铁通红的时候把铁打成所需的形状。




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