

hunt hunting hurry hurt hurts
hustle hustle and bustle Hyde hymn hysterics
i I ask you! I beg to differ I beg your pardon I bet (that…)
I (can) promise you I can promise you I can tell you I can’t tell you how etc. … ice
iceberg icing I could eat a horse I could murder a… I couldn’t agree more
I couldn’t agree (with you) more I couldn’t agree with you more I couldn’t give a monkey’s I dare say idea
moonlight moons moot moral moral support
more more fool you them etc. more haste less speed more like more like (it)
more like it more more often than sb has had hot dinners more often than not more or less more power to sb’s elbow
more precisely more than a little excited shocked etc. more than flesh and blood can stand endure etc. (more than) your fair share of sth more than your fair share of sth
more than your job’s worth more than your job’s worth (to do sth) more than your job’s worth to do sth more to the point more’s the pity
more …/more often than sb has had hot dinners more … often than sb has had hot dinners more … than you can shake a stick at morning morning noon and night
mortal mortar most most like most likely
most/very like most/very likely mother motion motions
mould mount mountain mountains mount guard
mount guard over sb mount guard over sth mount/stand/keep guard (over sb/sth) mouse mouth
mouths move move heaven and earth move heaven and earth (to do sth) move heaven and earth to do sth
move mountains move mountains (to do sth) move mountains to do sth mover movers
movers and shakers moves move the goalposts move your ass moving
Mr Mr Big Mr Nice Guy Mr Right much
much as much as/though much ink has been spilled much ink has been spilled (on/over sth) much ink has been spilled on sth
much ink has been spilled over sth much less muchness much though muck
mud muddy muddy the waters mud sticks mug
Muhammad mule multitude mum mummy
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