

词组 iceberg
释义 iceberg BrE /ˈaɪsbɜːg/
NAmE /-bɜːrg/
be the tip of the ˈicebergwhat you can see of a problem or difficult situation is only one small part of a much larger hidden problem 只是冰山一角;只是问题的一小部分The 1 000 homeless people in London sleeping in night shelters are only the tip of the iceberg. There are many thousands of homeless people in the capital.在伦敦夜间收容所里过夜的 1 000 名无家可归者只是冰山的一角,在这个首都还有成千上万名流浪汉。 NOTE Only ⅐ or ⅛ of an iceberg can be seen above the water. 通常冰山露出水面的部分只有七分之一或八分之一。




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