

词组 rise
释义 rise /raɪz/ SEE ALL
get a ˈrise out of sbmake sb react in an angry way by saying sth that you know will annoy them, especially as a joke (尤指开玩笑)激怒某人,惹恼某人Don’t take any notice of him — he’s just trying to get a rise out of you.
She always got a rise out of him by copying his accent.
give ˈrise to sth (formal) cause sth to happen or exist 使发生;引起The novel’s success gave rise to a number of sequels.
ˌrise and ˈshine (old-fashioned) used for telling sb to get out of bed in the morning 快点起床Rise and shine, everyone, we’ve got a lot to do today.
ˌrise from the ˈashesbecome successful or powerful again after defeat or destruction (在遭遇挫败或毁灭后)卷土重来,东山再起Can a new party rise from the ashes of the old one?
ORIGIN This idiom refers to the story of the phoenix, a mythological bird which burns to death and then rises from the ashes to be born again. 这个习语原指凤凰涅槃的神话故事,凤凰自焚而死后重生于灰烬。
rise to the ˈbaitact or react to sth in exactly the way another person wants you to (吞食诱饵而)上钩;中圈套I knew he was trying to get me angry, but I didn’t rise to the bait.
NOTE A fisherman uses bait to attract fish to his hook. * bait 是钓鱼用的饵。
rise to the ocˈcasion/ˈchallengedo sth successfully in a difficult situation, emergency, etc. 临危不乱;成功应付困难局面/挑战When the lead singer became ill, Cathy had to take her place. Everyone thought she rose to the occasion magnificently.
This company must be prepared to rise to the challenge of a rapidly changing market.
draw yourself up/rise to your full ˈheightstand straight and tall in order to show your determination or high status 挺直了腰,站得笔直(以示决心或身份)When the sales assistant said he couldn’t help her, she drew herself up to her full height and demanded to see the manager.当售货员说他无能为力时,她挺直腰板坚决要求见他们的经理。make sb’s ˈhackles riseraise ˈhacklesmake sb angry 激怒某人He really makes my hackles rise, that man. He’s so rude to everybody.那人真让我生气,他对谁都那么无礼。Her remarks certainly raised hackles.毫无疑问,她的言论激怒了某些人。 NOTE Hackles are the hairs on the back of a dog’s neck that rise when it is angry or excited. * hackles 是狗的后颈毛,狗发怒或兴奋时会竖起。 your, his, etc. ˈhackles risebecome angry 愤怒;生气Ben felt his hackles rise as the speaker continued.演讲者继续演说,本听得怒不可遏。be ˌup/ˌrise with the ˈlarkget up early in the morning 一大早就起床;鸡鸣即起She was up with the lark this morning.今天她一大早就起床了。 ORIGIN A lark in this idiom refers to a kind of bird that sings early in the day. 这个习语中的 lark (云雀)是一种在早晨鸣叫的鸟。come up/rise through the ˈranksafter starting your career at the bottom or low down in an organization, finally reach a high position in it 行伍出身当上军官;从底层干起,被提升至高位The new managing director has come up through the ranks, which is quite unusual these days.新任总经理是由普通员工逐步升上来的,这种事现在还挺少见的。 NOTE In the military, the ranks refers to the position of ordinary soldiers rather than officers. Some may become officers if they have the right qualities. 在军队里,ranks 指普通士兵,具备适当素质的士兵能够升为军官。




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