

drawer drawing draw in your horns draw lots draw lots for sth do sth
draw lots for to do sth drawn draw/pull in your horns draw sb to one side draw straws
draw straws (for sth) draw straws for sth draw the line draw the line (at sth) draw the line at sth
draw the short straw draw yourself rise to your full height draw yourself up/rise to your full height draw yourself up to your full height dread
dreaded dream dream on dreams dress
dressed dressed to kill dressed to the nines dressed (up) to the nines dressed up to the nines
dress the part dribs dried drift drink
drink laugh shout etc. yourself silly drink like a fish drink sb under the table drink sb’s health drive
drive a coach and horses through sth drive a hard bargain drive a wedge between A and B drive be round the bend drive be round the twist
drive go round the bend drive go round the twist drive/hammer sth home (to sb) driven driver
drive/run/work yourself into the ground (drive sb/be/go) round the bend/twist drive sb insane drive sb out of their mind drive sb out of their mind/wits
drive sb out of their wits drive sb round the bend drive sb round the twist drive sb to drink drive sb up the wall
drive/send sb up the wall drive sth home drive sth home to sb drive yourself into the ground driving
drop drop a bombshell drop a brick drop a brick/clanger drop a clanger
drop a hint drop a hint (to sb) drop a hint to sb drop dead drop/dump sth in sb’s lap
drop/fall into sb’s lap drop into sb’s lap drop like flies drop names drops
drop sb a hint drop sb a line drop sb a line/note drop sb a note drop sb in it
drop sth in sb’s lap drop the ball drop your aitches drown drowned
drown your sorrows drugged drugged up to the eyeballs drum drummer
drunk drunk as a lord drunk as a skunk dry dry as a bone
dry as dust duck duckling ducks dudgeon
due dull dull as dishwater dull as ditchwater dumb
dump dumps dump sth in sb’s lap dunk duration
dust dusted dusty Dutch Dutch courage
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