

词组 dream
释义 dream /driːm/ SEE ALL
dream ˈon (spoken, informal) used to tell sb that an idea is not practical or likely to happen (用于告诉某人想法不切实际)别做梦了‘Do you think if I ask my boss for a pay rise, I’ll get one?’ ‘Dream on!’
like a bad ˈdream (of a situation 情境) so unpleasant that you cannot believe it is true 噩梦般令人难以置信In broad daylight, the events of the night before seemed like a bad dream.
not ˈdream of sth/of doing sth (often used with would 常与 would 连用) not even consider sth under any circumstances 从未想过;从不考虑‘Don’t tell Gary what I’ve bought him for his birthday.’ ‘I wouldn’t dream of it.’
Only a couple of years ago he would never have dreamt of going abroad on his own, and now he’s travelling around India!
work/go like a ˈdream (informal) work/go very well 性能极佳;十分顺利The plan worked like a dream, and everybody got what they wanted.
OPP go pear-shaped
a ˈpipe dreama hope, belief, plan, etc. that will probably never come true 白日梦;幻想She’s got this pipe dream about being a pop star.她幻想着成为流行歌星。 ORIGIN This expression refers to smoking the drug opium, which makes you sleep and gives you powerful dreams. 这个表达法原指吸鸦片烟后人昏昏欲睡,产生幻觉。




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