

词组 hook
释义 hook /hʊk/ SEE ALL
by ˌhook or by ˈcrook (of sth difficult 难事) by any method, whether it is honest or not 想方设法;不择手段Don’t worry — we’ll have the money ready by 4 o’clock, by hook or by crook.
别担心,我们会想尽一切办法在 4 点钟前把钱准备好。
ORIGIN This may come from the practice in the past of allowing workers to use the tools of their trade ( billhooks for farm workers, crooks for shepherds) to pull down loose wood from their employer’s trees to use as firewood. 旧时,工人可以用本行的工具(农场工人用钩镰 [billhooks],牧羊人用曲柄杖 [crook])从雇主的树上砍柴。
get sb off the ˈhook (informal) help sb to avoid punishment, etc. 帮助某人逃避惩罚You’re going to need a very clever lawyer to get you off the hook.
hook, line and ˈsinkerif you accept sth hook, line and sinker, you accept it completely, either because you have been deceived or because you believe things too easily 完全,毫无保留地(接受或相信某事)Are you telling me that you swallowed his absurd lies hook, line and sinker?
NOTE All three words in this expression are items used for catching a fish. 这个表达法中的三个词均指钓鱼的工具。
let sb off the ˈhook (informal) allow sb to escape from a difficult situation or punishment 让某人逃脱困境(或处罚)We’ll let you off the hook this time, but if you make any more mistakes like that, you’ll lose your job.
There won’t be time for me to read my report to the committee, so that’s let me off the hook.
NOTE This expression refers to a fish escaping after it has been caught. 这个表达法原指鱼被捉到后逃脱。
off the ˈhookif you leave or take the telephone off the hook, you take the receiver (= the part that you pick up) off the place where it usually rests, so that nobody can call you (为防止电话打进来而使听筒)不挂上So many people were calling me that in the end I got tired of it and left the phone off the hook.
ˌring off the ˈhook (NAmE) (of a telephone 电话) ring many times 铃声不断;响了很多次The phone has been ringing off the hook with offers of help.表示愿意提供帮助的电话接连不断。sling your ˈhook (BrE, informal) (often used in orders 常用于命令) go away 走开;滚蛋That boy’s a real nuisance. I tried telling him to sling his hook but he simply ignored me.那男孩真讨厌,我让他走开,可他就是不理会我。




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