

词组 chance
释义 chance


4luck/fortune 运气;机缘ADJECTIVE | VERB + CHANCE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEmere, pure, sheer 纯粹的运气random 偶然的机缘happy, lucky 幸运By a happy chance he bumped into an old friend on the plane.他很幸运,竟然在飞机上碰到了一个老朋友。unlucky 不幸VERB + CHANCEleave sth to 听其自然Leaving nothing to chance, he delivered the letter himself.他亲自送信确保万无一失。PREPOSITIONby chance 偶然The police came upon the hideout purely by chance.警方纯粹是意外地发现了这个隐匿处。due to chance 因为运气The results could simply be due to chance.这些结果可能只不过是偶然碰运气得来的。through chance 凭运气I got most answers right through sheer chance.我纯粹是靠运气答对了大部分题目。PHRASESa game of chance 凭运气的游戏Chess is not a game of chance.国际象棋不是靠运气取胜的。take your chances (= take a risk in the hope that things will turn out well) 冒险He took his chances and jumped into the water.他冒险跳进了水里。




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