释义 |
rival noun ADJECTIVE | VERB + RIVAL | RIVAL + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbitter, close, deadly (BrE) , fierce, formidable, great, hated, powerful, serious, tough 死对头;势均力敌的竞争者;强劲的对手;强大的对手;可恨的对手;劲敌;难对付的对手biggest, chief, largest, leading, main, major, nearest, primary, principal, top (also arch-rival) 最大的竞争者;主要竞争者;头号对手;最接近的对手long-time, old, traditional 宿敌;老对手;传统对手◆They're old political rivals.他们是政坛上的老对手。former, one-time 从前的/曾经的对手new 新对手◆The business needed to revive profits and compete with new rivals.这个企业需要恢复利润并且与新对手竞争。potential 潜在的对手◆She is now regarded as the greatest potential rival to Hu.她现在被认为是胡最大的潜在对手。jealous 嫉妒的对手friendly 友好的对手◆Those two have been friendly rivals since they first met.那两人从第一次见面就成了友好的对手。romantic 情敌◆They wind up as romantic rivals for the same woman.他们最后因为追求同一个女人而成为情敌。foreign, international 国外的/国际上的竞争者◆The company is well equipped to compete with its international rivals.这个公司条件优越,足以和国际对手竞争。business, political 商业/政治竞争对手presidential 竞选总统的对手Conservative, Democratic, etc. 保守党、民主党等的对手VERB + RIVALhave 有对手◆She has no rivals for the job.没有任何对手和她争这份工作。face 面对对手◆The company faces big rivals in Europe and Asia.该公司在欧洲和亚洲都要面对强劲的竞争对手。beat, defeat 打败对手eliminate 消灭对手◆He eliminated his rivals with brutal efficiency.他残忍而又利落地消灭了自己的对手。RIVAL + NOUNcandidate 候选人竞争者clan, faction, gang, group, tribe 敌对的家族/派系/团伙/团体/部落company, firm, organization 竞争对手公司;对立的机构bid, offer 竞争投标;竞争的出价claim 对立的权利要求theory 对立的理论PREPOSITIONrival for ⋯的竞争者◆They were rivals for her love.为得到她的爱他们成了情敌。rival in 在⋯上的对手◆They were rivals in love.他们是情敌。rival to ⋯的对手◆Grand it may be, but this cathedral is no rival to the great cathedral of Amiens.这个教堂虽然很雄伟,却绝对不能和亚眠大教堂相匹敌。 |