

词组 slice
释义 slice


2part or share of sth 部分;份额ADJECTIVE | VERB + SLICE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, huge, large 一大部分;巨大的份额fair, significant, sizeable, substantial (all especially BrE) 相当大的部分;可观的一份They spend a fair slice of the budget on research and development.他们把相当一部分预算经费用于研发。narrow, small, tiny 一小部分VERB + SLICEcarve, carve out 开拓出一部分The company has managed to carve out a slice of the market for itself.该公司设法为自己闯出了一小块市场。get, grab 得到一部分Many investors are hoping to grab a slice of the action.许多投资者都希望分得一杯羹。PREPOSITIONslice of 一部分⋯The agency takes a large slice of the profits.代理公司拿走了利润的一大部分。PHRASESa slice of life (电影、戏剧、书籍等)反映现实生活的一个侧面This drama provides a slice of life in 1950s Connecticut.该剧是 20 世纪 50 年代康涅狄格州生活的真实写照。a slice of the action (为获得利益)插手a slice of the pie (金钱、利润等的)一部分Different groups of people will demand a bigger slice of the pie.不同群体都想要分得更大一块蛋糕。a slice of luck (BrE) 运气He needed a large slice of luck to win the game.要赢得比赛他得特别走运才行。




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