

词组 morals
morals /ˈmɒrəlz/ noun all of the basic ideas that a person or group of people has about what is morally good and rightadjectivespublic morals (=the standards of behaviour, especially sexual behaviour, expected by people in a society) They wanted to protect public morals and stop the film from being shown.high/strong morals Her father had high morals and was very strict with his children.loose morals (=low standards of sexual behaviour – often used humorously) They thought the city was full of women of loose morals.sexual morals Some people believe that unmarried mothers are evidence of declining sexual morals.verbshave no morals/not have any morals I don’t think he has any morals at all.corrupt sb’s morals Magazines like this corrupt the morals of young people.morals are declining He felt that society’s morals were declining, as shown by increases in public drunkenness and violence.phrasesa decline in public morals Some people think there has been a decline in public morals in recent years.THESAURUS: morals morality ideas about what is right and wrong, and what is acceptable behaviour – used when talking about whether it is right to do a particular thing, or when talking about moral standards generally: Several advisers had very different views on the morality of the action (=on whether it was morally right). | They wanted to ban the film, on the grounds of protecting public morality. ethics moral rules for deciding what is right and wrong – often used about this as a subject that people study and discuss: Doctors must follow a strict code of ethics. | I’m not sure about the ethics of using human embryos for research (=I’m not sure that it is morally right). principles moral rules or beliefs about what is right and wrong, which make you decide what you should and should not do: He stuck to his principles and spoke out against injustice, despite the risks. | It is against their principles to kill any living thing. values your ideas about what is important in life: During the 1960s, many young people rejected their parents’ values. | He stressed the importance of spiritual values. scruples beliefs about what is right and wrong that prevent you from doing bad things: She had no scruples about listening to their private conversation. | My scruples would not allow me to interfere in their relationship.




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