

词组 patch
patch /pætʃ/ noun a small area of something that is different from the area around itadjectivesa small/large etc patch of sth Some of the hills still had small patches of snow.a white/black/red etc patch The bird has a large black patch on each side of its neck.a damp/wet patch There were damp patches on the ceilings.a bald patch He stroked the bald patch on the back of his head.a dark patch She noticed two dark patches on the sleeve of his shirt.a clear patch He had rubbed a clear patch on the steamy window.a bright patch Wild flowers provided bright patches of colour along the road.icy patches Some icy patches are likely on roads tonight.prepositionsa patch of sth There was a small patch of damp on the wall.in patches The ground was dry in patches, but mostly it was still wet.phrasesa patch of grass/earth/sand We found a patch of grass to sit down on.a patch of snow/ice He trod on a patch of ice and slipped.a patch of ground/land/forest etc They had a small patch of land on which to grow food.a patch of sky There was one tiny window, through which I could see a small patch of sky.a patch of light/sunlight He stepped out of the shadows into a patch of sunlight.a patch of colour/white/red/blue etc He saw patches of red on the snow.




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