

词组 cruel
cruel /ˈkruːəl/ adjective 1. very unkind – used when someone deliberately causes suffering to a person or an animalnounsa cruel man/woman/person The king was a cruel man and everyone hated him.a cruel joke/trick Simon made cruel jokes about her appearance.cruel treatment There are laws against the cruel treatment of prisoners.a cruel punishment The death penalty is an unnecessarily cruel punishment.a cruel sport Many people think hunting is a cruel sport.a cruel act He deserves to be punished for this cruel act.a cruel streak (=a cruel part of your character) My boss had a cruel streak and she loved to humiliate people.adverbsunnecessarily cruel His reaction seemed unnecessarily cruel.unspeakably/hideously cruel (=in an extreme and shocking way) The press were unspeakably cruel about her.prepositionscruel to sb Children can be very cruel to each other sometimes.THESAURUS: cruel heartless not feeling any pity and not caring about other people or their problems: He was cold and heartless and had no concern for the welfare of his employees. | How could you be so heartless? | Heartless thieves stole all the old lady’s money. sadisticpleasure | treatment | violence | killer | crime | streak getting pleasure from making other people suffer: The guards took sadistic pleasure in abusing prisoners. | The judge described him as a sadistic killer who showed no mercy to his victims. | He had a sadistic streak in him which frightened her. | He was vicious and sadistic, and beat us regularly. barbaricact | practice | murder | crime | sport | punishment extremely cruel, in a way that shocks people: The bombing was a barbaric act. | Keeping chickens in tiny cages is a barbaric practice. | We have all been profoundly shocked by this barbaric crime. viciousattack | assault | war | fight | dog | killer very violent and cruel, especially by suddenly attacking someone and causing injury to them: It was a vicious attack on an innocent man. | Some dogs can be vicious.Vicious is also used when someone says or writes cruel things: The newspaper launched a vicious attack on him. | I don’t know who was responsible for these vicious rumours. brutalassault | attack | murder | killing | violence | treatment | dictator | regime | honesty | criticism very cruel and violent, in a way that shows no human feelings: He was the victim of a brutal assault. | Many people died under his brutal regime (=political system). | One of the judges is known for his brutal honesty (=honesty that might upset people). inhumanetreatment | act | conditions inhumane conditions, treatment etc cause too much suffering and should not be allowed: The prisoners were subjected to inhumane treatment. | He is charged with committing murder and inhumane acts against Muslims. | The animals had been kept in inhumane conditions. | The punishments were inhumane and degrading (=showing no respect). cold-bloodedmurder | killing | massacre | killer | murderer | psychopath extremely cruel and showing no pity or emotion when killing or attacking someone: Bates was charged with the cold-blooded murder of his girlfriend. | Prosecutors say the brothers are cold-blooded killers.2. used when something happens that makes someone suffer or feel very unhappynounsa cruel blow His death was a cruel blow.a cruel irony (=situation that is cruel and unusual or the opposite of what you expect) It’s a cruel irony that a woman who has helped so many cancer sufferers should die from cancer herself.a cruel twist (of fate) (=a cruel situation that you were not expecting) He considered his illness to be a cruel twist of fate.a cruel world It’s a cruel world out there.a cruel death His cruel death from a brain tumour at the age of 35 devastated his parents.




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