

worthy worthy of the name worth your/its salt worth your salt worth your while
would give your right arm for sth do sth would give your right arm for sth/to do sth would give your right arm for to do sth wouldn’t do sth for all the tea in China wouldn’t wish sth on my etc. worst enemy
would rather… would rather… (than) would rather… than would you believe ? would you believe (it)?
would you believe it? would you care for… would you care to… wound wounds
wrack wrack your brains wrap wrapped wraps
wrap sb around your little finger wrap sb round your little finger wrap sb up in cotton wool wreak wreak havoc with sth
wrench wring wringer right off (right) off the bat
right off the bat right on (right) on cue right on cue (right) on time
right on time rights right side up (right) under sb’s nose right under sb’s nose
right you are! riled Riley ring ring a bell
ring down the curtain ring down the curtain on sth ringer ring false ring hollow
ring in your ears ring in your ears/head ring in your head ring off the hook ring out the old and ring in the new
ring out the old (year) and ring in the new ring out the old year and ring in the new rings ringside ring the changes
ring the changes (on sth) ring the changes on sth ring the curtain down ring the curtain down on sth ring true
ring true/false/hollow Riot riot rip ripe
ripple rip sb apart shreds bits etc. rip sb/sth apart/to shreds bits etc. rip sb to shreds bits etc. rip sth apart shreds bits etc.
rip sth to shreds bits etc. rip/tear the heart out of sth rip the heart out of sth rise rise and shine
rise from the ashes rise to the bait rise to the challenge rise to the occasion rise to the occasion/challenge
rising risk risk life and limb risks risk your neck
river riveted road roaring roaring drunk
roasting rob robbery robin Robinson
rob Peter to pay Paul rob sb blind rob the cradle rock rocker
rocket rocks rock sth to its foundations rock the boat rock the foundations of sth
rod rogues roll rolled rolled into one
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