

词组 roll
释义 roll BrE /rəʊl/
NAmE /roʊl/
be on a ˈroll (informal) be experiencing a period of success at what you are doing 接连获胜;连交好运Don’t stop me now — I’m on a roll!
ˈroll on…! (BrE, spoken) used to say that you want sth to happen or arrive soon …赶快来到吧Roll on the spring! I hate winter.
Roll on Friday!
roll up your ˈsleeves (informal) get ready for hard work 准备大干一场;摩拳擦掌We’ve just moved into a bigger house and there’s a lot to do. I guess we’ll just have to roll up our sleeves and get on with it.
OPP put your feet up
roll with the ˈpunchesadapt yourself to a difficult situation 顺势退让(以减轻对方拳击的力量);使自己适应困境Well, there’s nothing we can do to change things. We’ll just have to learn to roll with the punches.
NOTE This idiom comes from a technique used in boxing, where the boxer moves away from the punch to avoid a direct hit. 这个习语源于拳击中拳击手避开正面来拳的一种技巧。
turn in his, her, etc. ˈgrave (BrE) (NAmE roll in his, her, etc. ˈgrave) (of a person who is dead 亡者) likely to be very shocked or angry (也会)不安,九泉之下不得安宁Beethoven would turn in his grave if he could hear the way they’re playing his music.贝多芬要是能听到他们这么演奏他的曲子,九泉之下也没法安宁。ˌheads will ˈroll (for sth) (spoken, usually humorous) used to say that some people will be punished because of sth that has happened 有些人将(为某事)受到惩罚Have you seen this article about police corruption? Heads will roll, I’m sure.你看到那篇报道警察贪污的文章了吗?他们肯定没有好下场。When the spy scandal was exposed, many said that heads should roll in the government.间谍丑闻曝光后,很多人认为政府里应该有人受到惩罚。 ORIGIN This comes from the idea that when people were punished by having their heads cut off, the heads rolled along the ground. 这个习语源于一种说法,即人被斩首后,头会在地上滚动。ˌready to ˈroll (informal) ready to start 准备就绪;可以开始The show is just about ready to roll.演出马上就要开始。roll/slip/trip off the ˈtonguebe easy to say or pronounce 容易念;好发音;顺口It’s not a name that exactly trips off the tongue, is it?这个名字不太顺口,对吧?




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