

词组 match
释义 match


3be/make sth equal/better (使)媲美;(使)敌得过ADVERB | VERB + MATCH | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBalmost, nearly 几乎比得上She found that his determination almost matched her own.她发现他几乎和她一样坚决。not quite 不太比得上Nothing quite matches the fine, subtle taste of this cheese.这种奶酪细腻、精妙的味道无与伦比。rarely 难以匹敌Her lovers rarely match her wit and intelligence.她的情人们在聪明才智上很少能比得上她。VERB + MATCHbe able to, be unable to 能够/不能与⋯相当The company was unable to match his current salary.该公司不能提供与他目前的薪金相当的薪酬。try to 试图与⋯相当fail to 不能与⋯相当Children can be made to suffer when they fail to match their parents' expectations.孩子不能达到父母的期望值时,有可能会吃苦头。PREPOSITIONfor 在⋯方面相当No other rock band comes even close to matching their talent.论才华,任何其他的摇滚乐队都无法与他们相提并论。PHRASEScome close to matching 几乎与⋯匹敌be equally matched, be evenly matched, be well matched 势均力敌;不相上下The teams were very evenly matched.各队之间旗鼓相当。be unevenly matched 实力不相称




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