

词组 republic
释义 republic


ADJECTIVE | VERB + REPUBLIC ADJECTIVEnew, young 新成立的/年轻的共和国former 前共和国the former Yugoslav republics前南斯拉夫各共和国autonomous, free, independent, sovereign 自治共和国;自由共和国;独立共和国;主权独立共和国breakaway 脱离出去的共和国the breakaway republics of the former Soviet empire从苏联帝国脱离出去的共和国constitutional, democratic, federal, Islamic, people's, secular, socialist 立宪/民主/联邦/伊斯兰/人民/世俗/社会主义共和国a constitutional republic based on the principles of democracy建立在民主原则基础上的立宪共和国the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国banana (disapproving, offensive) 香蕉共和国VERB + REPUBLICbecome 成为共和国the year that Guyana became a socialist republic圭亚那成为社会主义共和国的那一年build, create, establish, form, found 建立共和国;成立共和国defend, preserve, save 保卫/维护/拯救共和国declare (sth), proclaim (sth) 宣布(⋯)/宣告(⋯)为共和国They have declared themselves an independent democratic republic.他们已宣布成为一个独立的民主共和国。recognize (sth as) 承认(⋯为)共和国overthrow 推翻共和国




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