释义 |
generosity noun ADJECTIVE | VERB + GENEROSITY | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEextraordinary, great, incredible 特别慷慨;非常大方;极为慷慨boundless, selfless 无比的慷慨;慷慨无私VERB + GENEROSITYextend, show (sb) 表示慷慨;(对某人)表现出慷慨◆He thanked them for the extraordinary generosity they had shown.他感谢他们所表现出的异乎寻常的慷慨。appreciate 对慷慨表示感谢take advantage of 利用慷慨◆Their guests took advantage of their generosity, overstaying their welcome by several days.客人们借着主人的慷慨又多住了几天,让主人感到不快。repay 报答慷慨◆How can I repay your generosity?我该怎样报答你的慷慨呢?PREPOSITIONgenerosity to, generosity towards/toward 对⋯的大方◆their great generosity to the school他们为学校慷慨解囊PHRASESan act of generosity 慷慨之举generosity of spirit 宽宏大量的精神◆She showed an unusual generosity of spirit to those who had opposed her.对于那些曾经反对过她的人,她表现出异乎寻常的宽容。thanks to the generosity of sb 由于某人的慷慨◆The hospital has now bought a new body scanner, thanks to the generosity of local fund-raisers.多亏本地的资金募集者慷慨相助,这所医院现在购置了一台新的人体扫描仪。 |