

词组 retreat
释义 retreat


ADVERB | VERB + RETREAT | PREPOSITION ADVERBhastily, quickly, rapidly, swiftly 仓促撤退;迅速撤退slowly 慢慢后退Sandy retreated slowly, wary of what the man might do.桑迪慢慢向后退,提防着这个人可能采取的行动。further 进一步后撤back 退回He retreated hastily back to his car.他匆忙退回自己的车里。VERB + RETREATtry to 试图撤退order sb to 命令某人撤退The army has been ordered to retreat.军队已受命撤退。PREPOSITIONbefore 在⋯面前退缩They retreated before the Americans.他们在美国人面前退却了。behind 退到⋯后面He retreated behind the table.他退到了桌子后面。down 沿着⋯远去I heard her footsteps retreat down the hall.我听见她沿走廊渐渐走远的脚步声。from 从⋯撤退in the face of 面对⋯退却He retreated in the face of strong opposition.面对强烈的反对,他退却了。into 躲进He retreated into his own world.他躲进了自己的世界中。to 退到⋯She retreated from the busy office to her own room.她从繁忙的办公室中躲到了自己的屋子里。




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