

词组 resemblance
释义 resemblance


ADJECTIVE | VERB + RESEMBLANCE | RESEMBLANCE + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEclose, great, marked, remarkable, striking, strong 十分相似;极为相似;显著的相似之处;惊人的相似eerie (especially NAmE) , uncanny 诡异的/离奇的相似She has an uncanny resemblance to her sister.她跟妹妹长得出奇地像。obvious 明显的相似faint, passing, slight, superficial 略微的/微小的/细微的/表面上的相似之处little 几乎没有相似之处two actors bearing little resemblance to each other彼此几乎没什么相似之处的两位演员physical 体貌上的相似family 家人间的相似VERB + RESEMBLANCEbear, have, show 有相似之处;显出相似之处The story of the movie bears more than a passing resemblance to 'Tom Sawyer'.这部影片的情节与《汤姆・索亚历险记》不只是一点点的相似。note, notice, see 察觉到/注意到/看出相似之处I can see the family resemblance.我能看出家人之间的相似之处。RESEMBLANCE + VERBend 相似处仅此而已They are both called Brad, but there the resemblance ends (= they are not similar to each other in any other way).他们俩都叫布拉德,不过除此之外别无相似之处。PREPOSITIONresemblance between ⋯之间的相似之处There is a close resemblance between her and her daughter.她和她女儿长得很像。resemblance to 像⋯Crocodiles still have a strong resemblance to their ancestors.鳄鱼和它们的祖先仍然极其相似。




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