

词组 swing
释义 swing


2move smoothly 平稳移动ADVERB | VERB + SWING | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBslowly 缓慢旋转suddenly 突然摆动sharply 急剧地摆动The road swung sharply around.道路猛然间拐了个急弯。across, around, away, back, down, forward, off, round (especially BrE) , up 摆过;转身;摆开;摆回;向下摆;向前摆;向上摆Hearing a sarcastic note in his voice, she swung around to face him.听到他话中的讽刺口气,她猛然转过身面对着他。VERB + SWINGlet sth 让⋯摆动She let the door swing shut behind her.她放开手让门自己关上。PREPOSITIONfrom 从⋯摆动She swung down from the tree in one easy movement.她做了一个轻松的动作就从树上荡了下来。into 摆进He swung up into the saddle and rode off.他一跃跨上马鞍,绝尘而去。towards/toward 转向Nick swung towards / toward her.尼克向她转过身来。PHRASESswing open, swing shut 转动着打开/关上




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