

词组 laughter
释义 laughter


ADJECTIVE | ... OF LAUGHTER | VERB + LAUGHTER ADJECTIVEhearty, helpless, hysterical, insane, loud, maniacal (especially NAmE) , raucous, uncontrollable, uproarious, wild 开怀的笑声;无法控制的笑声;歇斯底里的笑声;疯狂的笑声;大笑声;沙哑的笑声I heard sounds of raucous laughter upstairs.我听见楼上传来沙哑的笑声。happy 快乐的笑声infectious 有感染力的笑声Her infectious laughter had everyone smiling.她的笑声很有感染力,每个人都笑了。nervous 不安的笑声muffled, quiet, silent, soft, suppressed 捂住的笑声;轻轻的笑声;无声的笑;被压抑的笑声She was bent over with suppressed laughter.她弯下腰强忍着笑。derisive, mocking 嘲笑声cruel, evil, sinister 残忍的/邪恶的/阴险的笑声Andrea burst into cruel laughter.安德烈亚突然狰狞地大笑起来。drunken 醉醺醺的笑声Gerry exploded into more drunken laughter.格里突然醉醺醺地笑得更欢了。canned 预先录制的笑声the canned laughter of a sitcom情景喜剧的预录笑声... OF LAUGHTERbark, hoot, howl, roar, shout, shriek, snort 一阵大笑;一阵狂笑;一阵尖厉的笑声;扑哧一笑The crowd burst into roars of laughter.观众发出阵阵笑声。fit 一阵笑声Everyone dissolved into fits of laughter when they saw my haircut.看到我的发型,大家都哈哈大笑。bout (NAmE) , burst, chorus, gale, guffaw, peal, ripple, round, wave 一通笑声;一阵大笑;一片笑声;一阵哄笑;一阵响亮的笑声;此起彼伏的笑声;一波笑声His suggestion was greeted with peals of laughter.他的建议引起阵阵响亮的笑声。A ripple of laughter ran around the room.房间里响起此起彼伏的笑声。That comment brought another round of laughter.那句评论引来又一轮笑声。VERB + LAUGHTERburst into, dissolve into, explode with 爆发出笑声;不禁大笑;哄笑bellow with, cackle with, hoot with, howl with, roar with, scream with, shriek with, snort with, squeal with 大声笑;咯咯笑;狂笑;尖声大笑;扑哧一笑rock with, shake with 笑得前仰后合draw, elicit, provoke 引起笑声;惹得大笑Hunter's statement drew laughter from the crowd.亨特的陈述引得众人大笑。The joke provoked laughter from all of them.这笑话逗得他们全都笑了。choke back (especially NAmE) , contain, control, hide, hold back, muffle, smother (especially NAmE) , stifle, suppress 憋住笑声;克制住笑声;忍住不笑出声;捂住笑声;强忍住笑声Will was no longer able to contain his laughter.威尔再也克制不住自己的笑声了。




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