

词组 launch
释义 launch


ADJECTIVE | VERB + LAUNCH | LAUNCH + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcommercial, official, press (especially BrE) , public 商业发布;正式推出;新闻发布;公开发行The commercial launch was at the end of 2007.商业发布是在 2007 年底。She is signing copies of her book at the official launch.她正在新书发布会上给自己的书签名。successful 成功的发行imminent (especially BrE) , upcoming 即将进行的发射/发布planned, scheduled 计划中的发射;预定的发射the postponement of the scheduled launch on July 7对原定于 7 月 7 日的发射的推迟soft (= in stages) 软启动A couple of days ago we opened up the website for a soft launch.几天以前,我们对网站开始进行软启动运行。book, campaign (especially BrE) , product 新书的发行;运动的发起;产品的投放市场balloon, missile, rocket, satellite, shuttle 气球/导弹/火箭/卫星/航天飞机的发射VERB + LAUNCHget (sth) ready for, prepare (sth) for 做好(⋯)发射的准备;为发起(⋯)做准备They are preparing for the launch of the new campaign next month.他们正在为下个月发起新的宣传活动做准备。announce 宣布开始celebrate, mark 庆祝/标志着发行a big Hollywood event to mark the launch of the movie标志着这部电影发行的好莱坞盛会go ahead with 进行发射coincide with (especially BrE) 发行与⋯同时进行The show is timed to coincide with the launch of a new book on the subject.这次演出特意安排与一本同主题新书的发布同步进行。attend (especially BrE) , go to, speak at (especially BrE) 参加发行;在发行会上讲话plan, schedule 计划发布The official product launch was scheduled for 2009.产品的官方发布计划在 2009 年进行。delay, postpone 推迟发布LAUNCH + NOUNdate 发行日party (= for a product or book) 发布仪式facility (especially NAmE) , pad, platform, site 发射设施;发射台;发射平台;发射场one of the world's largest ocean-going launch platforms全世界最大的远洋发射平台之一PREPOSITIONafter the launch, following the launch, since the launch 发布以后;投放市场之后;自发布以来In the six months since its launch the car has sold extremely well.这款汽车投放市场后的 6 个月中销售情况非常好。at a/the launch 在发布会上I met her at the launch of her new book.我在她的新书发布会上认识了她。launch for ⋯的发布a spring launch for the new TV system新电视系统的春季发布




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