

词组 rest
释义 rest


ADJECTIVE | VERB + REST | REST + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcomplete 彻底的休息good, long 充分的/长时间的休息brief, little, short 短暂的休息;很少的休息well-deserved, well-earned 应得的/应该享受的休息much-needed 急需的休息adequate, proper, sufficient 足够的/适当的/充足的休息The body requires a healthy diet and adequate rest.身体需要健康的饮食和足够的休息。nice 惬意的休息beauty (NAmE) 美容觉I need my beauty rest.我需要睡个美容觉。bed 卧床休息She's on complete bed rest, antibiotics and plenty of fluids.她现在完全卧床休息,服抗生素,大量饮用流质。I was hospitalized many times and put on bed rest for six months.我多次住院并卧床休息了半年。VERB + RESTfind (formal) , get, have, take 安下心来;休息Her heart would find no rest until she knew the truth.在知道真相以前她是不会放心的。Get some rest while you can.能休息就休息一下。I had a good long rest before the party.聚会前我美美地歇了好长时间。need 需要休息deserve 应该休息You deserve some rest.你该休息一下了。disturb 打扰休息I apologize for disturbing your rest.抱歉打扰你休息了。come to 停止移动The ball rolled down the hill and came to rest against a tree.球滚下山,撞在一棵树上停了下来。REST + NOUNbreak, day, interval (NAmE) , period, time 休息时间;休息日;间歇area, stop (both NAmE) (公路旁的)休息站room (usually restroom) (= room with a toilet) (NAmE) 公共厕所home (= for old or sick people) 养老院;疗养院PREPOSITIONat rest 静止At rest (= when not moving) the insect looks like a dead leaf.这种昆虫静止时就像一片枯树叶。rest from 停止做⋯The doctor advised him to take a complete rest from the gym.医生建议他不要去健身馆,应该彻底休息一下。PHRASESa day of rest 休息日




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