

wave a magic wand wave a/(one's) (magic) wand (and do something) wave around wave aside wave at
wave a/the white flag wave at (someone or something) wave a wand wave away wave back
wave down wave goodbye to (someone or something) wavelength wave off wave of the future
wave on waver waver between waver between (someone or something) and (someone or something else) WAVES
wave the bloody shirt wave the flag wave through wave to (someone or something) wax
wax and wane wax angry waxed wax eloquent wax lyrical
wax lyrical about wax lyrical about something wax poetic turn the clock back turn the clock back, to
turn the corner turn the corner, to turn the heat on (someone or something) turn the heat on someone or something turn the heat up
turn the knife turn the/(one's) clock(s) back turn the/(one's) clock(s) forward turn the other cheek turn the other cheek, to
turn the other way turn the page turn the scale(s) turn the screw on someone turn the screw(s) (on someone)
turn the tables turn the tables on (one) turn the tables, to turn the tide turn the trick
turn thumbs down turn thumbs down on someone/something turn thumbs down (on something) turn thumbs up turn thumbs up (on something)
turn tits up turn to turn to advantage turn to ashes in (one's) mouth turn to ashes in your mouth
turn to dust turn to good account turn toward turn toward (someone or something) turn tricks
turnt up turn turtle turn turtle, to turn/twist the knife turn two
turn under turn up turn up like a bad penny turn up one's nose turn up (one's) nose at (something)
turn up one's nose at, to turn up (one's) toes turn up one's toes turn upside down turn up the heat
turn up the heat on turn up the heat on someone turn up the heat (on someone or something) turn up toes turn up trumps
turn up your nose at turn up your toes turn water off turn your back on turn your back on somebody/something
turn your back on someone turn your back on something turn your caps lock off Turn your caps lock off! turn your hand to something
turn your nose up at something turn your stomach turps turtle turtle head
turtle heading turtleneck turtle-neck tush tushie
tushy tussle tussle with tussle with (someone or something) tux
TV TV dinner twa twack twain
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