

bleed for (someone or something) bleed from bleed from (somewhere) bleeding bleeding edge
bleeding heart bleed like a pig bleed like a (stuck) pig bleed out bleed somebody dry/white
bleed someone dry bleed (someone or something) dry bleed (someone) white bleed someone white cock a snook at someone/something
cock a snoot cock block cock-blocking cockblocking cock cheese
cock-cheese cocked cocker cocker up cockeyed
cock in the henhouse cockle cockles of heart cockles of (one's) heart cock of the roost
cock of the walk cock (one's) ear cock socket cocksocket cocksucker
cocksucking cocktail cock up cocky cocky as the king of spades
cock your ear cocoa coconut coconut head cod
code code brown code decay code of practice code of silence
code rot code-switch code-switching code yellow codfish aristocracy
codger coerce coerce into coerce (one) into (something) coexist
coexist with coexist with (someone or something) coffee coffee and coffee and Danish
coffee in, coffee out coffee shop coffee table book coffee-table book coffin
coffin-dodger coffin nail coffin tack coffin varnish cog
cog in the machine cog in the wheel cog in the wheel or machine cogitate cogitate on
cogitate on (something) cohabit cohabit with cohabit with (someone or something) coign
coign of vantage coil coil around coil around (someone or something) coil up
coil up into coil up into (something) coin coin a phrase coin a phrase, to
coincide coincidence coincide with coincide with (something) coincidink
coin it coin it (in) coinkidink coin money coin of the realm
cojones coke cokeaholic cokehead cokespoon
cold cold as a welldigger's ass cold as ice cold blood cold blood, in
cold call cold cash cold check coldcock cold coffee
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