cold blood

cold blood

slang Beer. Let's meet up at the bar tonight for some cold blood.
See also: blood, cold
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

cold blood

and cold coffee
n. beer. How would you like a little cold blood to start things off?
See also: blood, cold
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

cold blood, in

Calculatedly ruthless. This expression comes from the days when it was commonly believed that blood rules the temper and was boiling hot when one was excited and ice-cold when one was calm. The French call it sang-froid, a term taken over in English with the same meaning. Thus Byron wrote of Don Juan, “Cross-legg’d with great sang-froid among the scorching ruins he sat smoking.” In more recent times Truman Capote used the term as the title of a detailed account (1965) of a deliberate act of murder.
See also: cold
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • cold blood, in
  • after (one's) blood
  • after your blood
  • be after (one's) blood
  • be after/out for somebody's blood
  • in the blood
  • in the/somebody's blood/genes
  • be in (one's) blood
  • bleed out
  • in one’s blood
References in periodicals archive
Cold Blood begins with the raucous mid-tempo track Just Like Them, which verges on sounding like heavy metal at times with its blues-influenced garage rock, energetic vocals and surging choruses.
Governor Ghannam said that the targeting of Palestinian children in cold blood was a deliberate blow to all international conventions and an occupation pledge aimed at weakening the steadfastness of the people.
The incident comes four months after a bodaboda operator and his two children were killed in cold blood in Kapsowar in August 5, 2017.
Cold Blood, Hot Sea showcases the effects of climate change on a particular industry, presenting a range of opinions and attitudes.
How are their teenagers capable of butchering women and children in cold blood? What drives them?
They were divided into two groups, with Group I having those who received intermittent antegrade warm blood cardioplegia, and Group II having those who received intermittent antegrade cold blood cardioplegia.
The judge in the case issued a guilty verdict, saying Al-Ahmadi killed his wife in cold blood on purpose," said the statement.
These were nothing less than cold blooded murders and quite rightly Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regards them as war crimes.
Truman Capote and the Legacy of In Cold Blood. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 2011.246 pp.
The suspect then allegedly murdered the victim in cold blood before fleeing his labour accommodation and travelling to Umm Al Quwain.
A TEENAGER who "enjoyed" killing a 63-year-old widower in cold blood has failed to have his minimum jail term cut.
After murdering a loyal servant of the State in cold blood they held his colleague hostage and robbed the credit union.
If the terrorists showed themselves to be cold-blooded liquidators, the authorities should execute justice in cold blood too.
Truman Capote and the Legacy of In Cold Blood reviews the origins of Capote's classic book and its lasting impact on American culture and society, and is a fine analysis for any college-level holding.
We are going to waste legal aid on a piece of scum who shot a young bobby in cold blood? Because he is suffering psychological torture?