
dad bod

slang A physique characterized by moderate chubbiness; the stereotypical physique of a middle-aged dad. The phrase is often used affectionately or approvingly. Aww, I don't care that he's a bigger guy—I like guys with a dad bod.
See also: bod, dad

odd bod

1. noun A rather unusual, strange, eccentric, or peculiar person. His new girlfriend is nice enough, but she's a bit of an odd bod, don't you think? I'm still in disbelief someone like her would want to date an odd bod like me.
2. adjective Particularly unusual, strange, eccentric, or peculiar. Hyphenated and used before a noun. I don't mind if Jeff comes to the party, but I don't want those odd-bod friends he hangs around with to be there. She's something of an odd-bod artist, living in total solitude and rarely making public appearances.
See also: bod, odd
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. n. a body, especially a nice body. (see also odd-bod.) You got a nice bod, Tom.
2. n. a person. Who’s the bod with the tight slacks?


1. n. a strange person. Who is that odd-bod over in the corner?
2. n. a person with a strange body. I am such an odd-bod that it’s hard to find clothes that fit.
3. n. a peculiar body. I have such an odd-bod that it’s hard to find clothes.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • dad bod
  • (one's) best foot forward
  • best foot forward
  • yoked up
  • yoked
  • beck and call
  • mom jeans
  • (as) sure as eggs (is eggs)
  • ve haf vays
References in periodicals archive
"Mae Gwen a minnau wedi bod yn ffrindiau gydol ein hoes ac nid ydym erioed wedi cael gair croes.
Ghulam Sarwar said experts and eminent professionals had been selected for appointment as chairmen/chairpersons of the BoDs.
BOD biosensor is slightly more sensitive to OECD synthetic wastewater.
Novel on-line control systems are now available to measure phosphorous and BOD levels to optimize biological nutrient levels.
The BOD discussed the desire to maintain the membership database on the CARING website for more accessibility by CARING members, and Sheryl Taylor volunteered to head up a group to examine this opportunity.
Members of the BOD take their role seriously and want the material placed before them to facilitate good decision--making.
"The Hong Kong-Los Angeles route was the logical choice for our pilot BoD product launch," says Brillson, Chairman and Co-Founder of ACE.
The minutes of the June BOD meeting were approved as was the treasurer's report.
The two-stage study focused on functioning of the filter and the effects on filtration on coolant chemistry BOD, and strategies to reduce BOD.
The OGDCL's BoD would be headed by Qamar Javed Sharif and its members include Akbar Ayub Khan from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Saeed Ahmed Qureshi from Balochistan, Sadia Khan and Nisar Ahmed from Sindh, Saud S Khwaja from Punjab, besides other concerned officials.
"Mae'n berson mor anhygoel ac mae'n dwad o'r Gogledd!" Mae Tara wedi bod yn gweithio gyda Manw ers iddi ennill Chwilio am Seren yn Llandudno ar ddechrau mis Hydref i greu a pherffeithio ei pherfformiad ym Minsk.
Ni yw Gwlad y Gan wedi'r cyfan, ac mae'r holl dalent anhygoel sydd wedi dod i'r amlwg yn Chwilio am Seren Junior Eurovision Cymru wedi bod yn wledd i'r clustiau.
MULTAN -- The Board of Directors (BoD) of Multan Waste Management Company (MWMC) meeting here Monday approved recruitment of more sanitary workers and executive
PESHAWAR -- The 110th meeting of Pesco Bord of Directors was held at Wapda House Peshawar with Chairman BoD Pesco Malik Muhammad Asad Khan in the chair.