take care of business

To do whatever is necessary to resolve something, make progress, get by, cope with one's circumstances, etc. Our last manager was really lazy. I'm hoping the person they're bringing in to replace him will take care of business. I know it can seem overwhelming when there's so much to get done, but just start taking care of business one step at a time.
See also: business, care, of, take
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


tv. taking care of business; doing things that have to be done. (Black. Initialism.) He’s TCB; that’s where he is.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • take care of business
  • taking care of business
  • lazybones
  • lazy-bones
  • lazy
  • lazy dog
  • (one's) (true) stripes
  • (one's) true color(s)
  • (one's) true colours
  • (Someone or something) called, they want their (something) back!
References in periodicals archive
Rather than overload credit cards or turn to loan sharks, the TCB, unlike the big banks, will provide small loans with a structured repayment plan.
The 2014 TCB offered visitors a rich and expansive overview of contemporary international ceramics and included works and installations from 65 international artists, designers, architects and makers from more than 30 countries.
"We have a very strategic emergency operations plan" nationally and on the site level, says Ployer, who oversees all safety and risk management for TCB.
Receiver operative characteristic (ROC) curves were constructed to determine the best TcB cut-off value, sensitivity, and specificity.
Each TCB diagnosis was matched with the histopathology results and labeled as follows: true positive (TP) when positive TCB result for malignancy is confirmed in the histological study of the post-surgical specimen; false positive (FP) when positive TCB result for malignancy is not confirmed in the histological study of the post-surgical specimen; true negative (TN) when negative TCB result for malignancy is obtained and no carcinoma in the histological study of the post-surgical specimen is found; and false negative (FN) when negative TCB result for malignancy is obtained but a carcinoma is detected in the histological study of the post-surgical specimen.
The use of TcB measurements both in the hospital and in the outpatient setting will certainly increase in the next several years.
These are local disruption of the blood-brain barrier with direct neurotoxicity of the contrast agent, microembolization into the brain, sudden increase in systemic blood pressure or contrast-induced hypotension during the procedure, hypoxia and cerebral oedema.6-11 Among them, the most likely mechanism is the local disruption of the blood- brain barrier by the contrast agent and an increase in vascular permeability, mostly in the occipital areas.12 All contrast agents can be associated with this complication and TCB does not seem to be volume dependent.13
TCB has been awarded a new seven-year licence to operate Radio Ceredigion in Mid Wales.
In 2011, TCB booked revenues of USD21m (EUR16m), according to the statement.
TCBFCs stable outlook is in line with that of TCB. Any rating action on TCB could trigger a similar rating action on TCBFC.
following ratings of TransCreditBank (TCB): long-term foreign-currency
VTB acquired 43% of TransCreditBank (TCB) in December, and is set to consolidate its financials without any noticeable effect on P&L.
27 April 2010 - Finnish lifting equipment maker Konecranes Oyj (HEL: KCR1V) said today that it won a contract to deliver six rubber-tired-gantry (RTG) container handling cranes to Turkish firm TCE EGE Konteyner Terminal Isletmeleri AS, part of Spanish port terminals operator Grup TCB.
In the late 1960s, the Budapest Chemical Works produced a certain compound called TCB, which it sold to an Austrian company that held a contract with the US Army, which needed TCB as an ingredient in the infamous herbicide Agent Orange, then in use in the Vietnam War.
Billing and charging software and solutions provider Redknee (TSX:RKN) has announced the general availability of Real-Time Turnkey Converged Billing (TCB) 8.1.