funny feeling

funny feeling

An intuition or premonition about something; a sense of foreknowledge about a situation, condition, or set of circumstances. I have a funny feeling that this meeting isn't going to end in our favor. I have this funny feeling that I've met this person before. I'm worried about our relationship. I got this funny feeling when I was talking to her last night.
See also: feeling, funny
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • a pricking in (one's) thumbs
  • a pricking in your thumbs
  • prick
  • a/the feeling (that) (something is/will be the case)
  • feeling
  • a feeling about (someone or something)
  • have a sneaking suspicion
  • sneaking
  • do (something) at (one's) own risk
  • do something at your own risk
References in classic literature
Your wails give me a funny feeling down here in my stomach and--E--tchee!--E--tchee!" Two loud sneezes finished his speech.
"But I have a funny feeling I could get skinny as a by-product of this because I know from being on the simulator and being on horses every day, and from my trainer Jessica pushing me every day, I have a funny feeling I'm going to lose weight.
I've got a funny feeling he's going to get among the goals against Cardiff and Huddersfield.
"I have a funny feeling, seeing Joshua and his edge this week, that he is going to finish it inside six rounds.
It's a funny feeling coming to defend a title as I've never done it before.
It looks like Nicklin does, as he said, 'I've got a funny feeling it's one of my mates because I sent a Snapchat earlier that weekend saying how good my grass was!'
She said: "I've a funny feeling Mayo are going to win."
"The old house had a funny feeling when entering it and you could see the nature of its use.
I've got a funny feeling Saints can bag the two points today.
"If it's not India [favourites and hosts], then I've got a funny feeling the West Indies might do it."
I expect this one could be a real fan-friendly tussle and, like Morales-Barrera, I have a funny feeling that we may see the pair against each other on more than just this one occasion.
But at least, even for a brief moment, Pacquiao overcame his worst fears, a funny feeling that pervaded as the 777 descended towards Manila.
Got a funny feeling though, this is just the latest in a long line of artists' impressions of what the site will look like.
My 16–year–old son has been getting hot flushes, sweats, chest pain and a funny feeling in his stomach.
Brighton manager Gus Poyet, meanwhile, felt his side should not be too despondent and said: "It's a funny feeling because we're more disappointed than we should be in the dressing room.