nice meeting you

(it was) nice meeting you

A polite phrase used when leaving a person whom one has only just met. I'd better get going. Really nice meeting you! It was nice meeting you, Sarah. We'll let you know our decision on Monday.
See also: meeting, nice
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Nice meeting you.

It is nice to have met you. (Said when leaving someone whose acquaintance you have just made.) I must go now, Fred. Nice meeting you. Well, nice meeting you. I must get home now.
See also: meeting, nice
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

nice meeting you

tv. it is nice to have met you. (Said when leaving someone whose acquaintance you have just made.) I must go now, Fred. Nice meeting you.
See also: meeting, nice
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • (it was) nice meeting you
  • meeting
  • (it's) nice to see you, too
  • take a meeting
  • this is where I came in
  • This is where I came in.
  • call a meeting to order and call the meeting to order
  • call a/the meeting to order
  • any other business
  • preside
References in periodicals archive
It really is as simple as stating, "It was nice meeting you. I am going to go network more." After all, the purpose of attending a networking event is to network and meet new people.
Suppose Trump says, nice meeting you but we simply have to get you to agree to CVID?
I said to myself: "That's how you do it!" It can be a very painful situation when a conversation goes stale and neither person knows how to move on.<br />It really is as simple as stating, "It was nice meeting you. I am going to go network more." After all, the purpose of attending a networking event is to network and meet new people.<br />You can also say something like, "I am going to go refresh my drink" or "I see someone over there that I need to say hello to.
"It was nice meeting you!" I shouted out after them, mainly to bring closure to our conversation.
"I used to introduce myself as Ahmed and it sounded like 'I'm Ed' so everybody said, 'Nice meeting you, Ed.' So I decided to go by Ed."
I'm almost completely speechless, but I blurt out, "OK, it was nice meeting you, but I really gotta get to school."
The firm's breakthrough into the Chinese market was with restaurant chain Nice Meeting You.
'I went and met the director and he said, 'Well it's been jolly nice meeting you but I'm sorry not this film - and probably not any film as you have every single thing wrong with your face.'
"He said, 'Jolly nice meeting you but I'm sorry, you won't make a film because your face is wrongly arranged'."
She replied, "Goodbye, it was nice meeting you," as I shot up the stairs.
You've talked with me, you've taken the risk to come and sit down with me, and I take this for granted - thank you very much, it was nice meeting you, goodbye?
By sending an e-mail, making a phone call or sending a "nice meeting you" note, you've continued the line of communication.
The phrases taught are "Hello", "Nice meeting you", "Mazel Tov", "Please", "Amein", "Thank you", "I'm sorry", and "Goodbye".
I sent out introductory letters and got creative in responding to "no": "It's been nice meeting you. Maybe I'll see you across the table.
'It's been nice meeting you,' I say, but it comes out sounding bitter and sarcastic.