At University of Arizona's Eller College of Business, initial faculty prep can vary from two hours to 12 weeks, without a guarantee of being hired to
teach. And many institutions require ongoing training to improve skills, review new technology, and reiterate school objectives.
Teaching the teacher: distance ed instructors aren't born, they're made. Then they're quality controlled. Is this any way to run a university? (Training/Online Education)
Masters is in a transitional stage of how to
teach and how students learn.
Exploring the evolving nature of three elementary preservice teachers' beliefs and practices: three parallel case studies
It takes a different kind of personality to
teach versus perform.
It's not just about dance
(Creationism holds that the earth is only 6,000 years old, insists that God created the world in six literal days and
teaches that Old Testament accounts about the creation of the world should be read as literal history.) Intelligent design was created in part to avoid this problem.
Devious design: in Texas and other states, the discovery institute and its allies are trying to sneak religion into public school science classes
teach essentially the same material at the same pace," Zaleski says.
Chicken and the egg: physics first, chemistry next and then biology? Does a science re-evolution make sense for your district?
It is especially important in systems, which is almost impossible to
teach unless you have practical experience--I had learned my first systems lessons on the job at KPMG.
Making the switch
Novelty, energy, spontaneity, economy, variety--these and other qualities we admire in the music we
teach and wish for our students' playing may form the core of our own teaching, whereby they are taught more effectively.
Teaching music with structure
When at home in Honolulu, she
teaches at Moiliili Community Center.
Teacher's wisdom: Betty Jones
Watching teachers
teach via videotape or CD-ROM was nearly nonexistent up until a few years ago, although rookie teachers usually have a chance to watch veteran teachers deliver lessons.
Reel time: watching educators teach via video brings professional development to a new level
Teachers usually
teach for the test or examination.
Foreign language education in post-colonial English speaking Caribbean
* Pass a test that demonstrates competency in knowledge or skills essential to what they seek to
teach. The definition of "essential" knowledge or skills is obviously a loose one that can be interpreted in myriad ways and rightly should be different for those wishing to
teach younger children or older students.
Break the link: the fact that schools of education could no longer rely on a captive body of aspiring teachers would expose them to the cleansing winds of competition. (Forum)
From Technophobes to Techies, Everyone Can
Teach Using Modern Tools: Whichever YOU Are, We've Got Ideas For YOU!
Conference sessions
An essential strategy is "
Teach Your Neighbor," where students work in pairs to
teach one another what they have learned.
Intrinsic self-regulation in the classroom
Only 41 percent believe they were prepared to integrate technology into the grade level or subject they
teach, only 43 percent feel prepared to work with parents, and a scant 27 percent of teachers surveyed feel they can adequately address the needs of students with limited English proficiency.
Teacher education: time to tame the Wild West: results from a new survey show teacher education programs are outdated and lackluster
The issue of load is often raised when an institution requests an instructor to develop and/ or
teach online education courses.
Faculty issues in online education: a new book examines best practices in managing an online learning program