
  • (someone or something) promises well
  • a lick and a promise
  • a lot of promise
  • a promise is a promise
  • a promise made is a promise kept
  • breach of promise
  • empty promise
  • give (something) a lick and a promise
  • go back on (one's) promise
  • go back on word
  • have a lot of promise
  • he, it, etc. promises well
  • hold promise
  • I (can) promise you
  • I promise you
  • I promise you!
  • keep (one's) promise
  • keep a promise
  • lick and a promise
  • lick and a promise, a
  • lot of promise
  • lots of promise
  • make good on (something)
  • on a promise
  • promise (one) the earth
  • promise (one) the moon
  • promise (one) the world
  • promise someone the moon
  • promise the earth
  • promise the moon
  • promise the moon/earth/world
  • promise to
  • promised land, the
  • promises are like pie crust(s): (easily made,) easily broken
  • promises are like pie crust(s): (they are) made to be broken
  • Promises are like piecrust, made to be broken
  • promises, promises
  • the promised land
  • threat or a promise, is that a
References in classic literature
"Then you promise to send for me sometimes, Christine?"
"She made me promise I wouldn't tell a soul," said John hoarsely.
"You must keep your promises to us!" exclaimed Dorothy.
"I promise to go to school every day, to study, and to succeed--"
I promise you, Father, that I'll learn a trade, and I'll be the comfort and staff of your old age."
In a word, he so talked him over, and with such persuasions and promises, that the poor clown made up his mind to sally forth with him and serve him as esquire.
"I thank you, most sincerely, Major," I said "You have convinced me that I must not ask you to forget, on my account, the promise which you have given to my husband.
"I was going to say," I rejoined, "that your promise only pledges you not to tell the secret which my husband is keeping from me.
if I saw you, at this moment, on the point of finding out for yourself what Eustace persists in hiding from you, I should remember that my promise, like all other promises, has its limits and reserves.
"Thus far," he said, "I have rigidly respected the promise which I made to your husband.
A man who has betrayed a woman under a promise of marriage is forced by that law (in the interests of public morality) to acknowledge her as his wife."
With the promise of merciless vengeance written in the Devil s writing on his Devil-possessed face, he kept his eyes fixed on the hated woman whom he had ruined--on the hated woman who was fastened to him as his wife.
"On the faith of the written promise of marriage exchanged between you in Scotland," he said, "you claim Mr.
"It is my distressing duty," said Sir Patrick, "to declare, in this lady's name, and on the faith of written promises of marriage exchanged between the parties, then residing in Scotland, that she claims to be now--and to have been on the afternoon of the fourteenth of August last--Mr.
Airtel is calling the move its "Postpaid Promise" to customers.