promised land, the

the promised land

A place, destination, or goal eagerly sought under the belief that it will bring success, happiness, or fulfilment. The phrase comes from the Biblical description of Canaan, the land promised to the Israelites. You gotta move out West, dude. It's the promised land out here. We close this deal and we reach the promised land, partner.
See also: land, promise
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

the promised ˈland

a place or situation in which people expect to find happiness, wealth, freedom etc: For millions of people in Europe, the USA was seen as the promised land. The Prime Minister’s speech seemed to suggest that we had already reached the promised land.This expression comes from the Bible and refers to the land that God promised the Israelites.
See also: land, promise
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

promised land, the

A place or time of ultimate happiness; paradise or heaven. The term comes from the Bible, in which God promises the land of Canaan to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants (Genesis 12:7). Later, the name became attached to the Holy Land (“The land of repromission, that men calles the Holy Land,” Sir John Maundeville, Travels, ca. 1400), and still later it was extended to any place viewed as wonderful (“To all these exiled sects America was the land of promise,” William Hepworth Dixon, William Penn, 1851) as well as to heaven. In modern times Israel is often called the promised land for Jews.
See also: promise
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • the promised land
  • fiat lux
  • come running
  • on a biblical scale
  • with bells on
  • all eyes and ears
  • sword-and-sandal
  • as if there was no tomorrow
  • as if there was/were no tomorrow
  • like there were no tomorrow
References in periodicals archive
Once they get there and reach the promised land, the audience will be enchanted by the musicians' dangerous acrobatics, expressiveness and humour.
In his new book, My Promised Land, the Israeli journalist Ari Shavit deftly sifts through the history of Zionism to explore and illuminate the tensions and contradictions underpinning the foundation of the State of Israelas well as to understand how it became what it is today and where it might be headed.
In Promised Land, the man widi the fat cheque book is Steve Buder (Matt Damon), who travels from town to town widi colleague Sue Thomason (Frances McDormand) persuading cash-strapped communities to sign lucrative leases that grant dieir energy company die right to drill for natural gas.
Warner Bros had agreed to finance Promised Land, the movie that Damon has been writing with John Krasinski.
The Portable Promised Land, the debut collection of 24 short stories by music journalist-turned-novelist Toure, mixes the everyday black experience with magic realism to create thought-provoking and oftentimes laugh-out-loud selections that will surely appeal to a broad audience.
He makes excellent use of contemporary Huguenot analogies with the Old Testament, such as the chosen people, the promised land, the crossing of the Red Sea, and the city of refuge.
Raboteau's discussion of blacks in search of the Promised Land, the emergence of the institutional black church, black Catholics, the performed word, and Merton and King must be viewed within the context of a national conversation on cultural pluralism whose most articulate proponents have been the Jesuit John Courtney Murray, Ralph Ellison, and Albert Murray.
The Israelites occupied and conquered Palestine, or Canaan, beginning in the late 2nd millennium BC, or perhaps earlier; and the Bible justifies such occupation by identifying Canaan with the Promised Land, the land promised to the Israelites by God.
He then looks forward and lays down the Judgements which related to public order in The Promised Land, the Statutes, which they are to follow with regard to their relationship with God and finally the specific Commandments which they need to follow.