Going once, going twice, sold!
Going once, going twice, sold!
1. cliché Words commonly said by an auctioneer at the close of bidding for a particular item. I've got $350, can anyone do better than $350? No? OK, going once, going twice, sold! To the gentleman in the big fluffy hat.
2. cliché Used by extension to indicate that someone's offer (for something) has been accepted to the exclusion of others'. A: "Look, I'll give you $50 for the game—no one here is going to do better than that." B: "Going once, going twice, sold!"
See also: going
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
- it's what's inside that counts
- it's what's on the inside that counts
- customer is always right
- customer is always right, the
- the customer is always right
- the strong, silent type
- strong silent type
- strong, silent type
- rusty