

A dietary strategy involving consuming large amounts of carbohydrate-rich food(s), such as pasta, rice, potatoes, etc., as a means of increasing stored energy in preparation for a major athletic event (e.g., a marathon). An abbreviated form of the term "carbohydrate loading." While some have questioned whether it really helps one's performance, I still swear that carbo-loading gives me an extra edge in big races.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • carb-loading
  • loading
  • carbo-load
  • carb-load
  • carb up
  • consume
  • consume mass quantities
  • break the seal
  • moderation in all things
  • switch from
References in periodicals archive
Chi-square tests ([chi square]) were performed to assess interactions between males and females with regard to supplement usage and knowledge, as well as carbo-loading. In the case of significant results, the adjusted residual is reported and the expected frequencies under the null hypothesis of no interaction compared to the observed counts to facilitate interpretation of the interactions.
There was no significant interaction between males and females with regard to carbo-loading habits ([chi square] (1) = 0.437; p = 0.509).
Athletes took their carbo-loading advice from a friend (28%), and others obtained their advice from sports magazines (11%) and the internet (20%), respectively.
The main reasons given for not carbo-loading were ignorance, fear of gaining weight and GIT side effects.
Numerous studies have been done on carbo-loading techniques to validate the ergogenic possibilities of various methods and the duration of loading.
Although more than a third of the cyclists carbo-loaded according to the formula given on their product packaging, few of the respondents in this study calculated their carbo-loading requirements according to the formula of a dietitian or doctor.
If women depend less on carbohydrates stored in their muscles, that would remove the rationale for carbo-loading.
The tradition of "carbo-loading" with a pre-race pasta meal one or two nights before the marathon can help top off your tank.
It is fairly easy to switch to a diet dominated by the likes of pasta, rice and spuds, but some take it a stage further by what is called "carbo-loading".
The latest research findings on carbo-loading, hydration and exercise.
Carbo-loading can boost muscle glycogen by 1.6 times over baseline.
For optimal glycogen loading, can athletes just "load" on carbs or should they first exercise at a high level prior to carbo-loading to deplete muscle glycogen?
This "carbo-loading" can actually increase the muscles' gylcogen stores.
The distribution of race singlets will be on January 8 to 10 at the Terraces and Active Zone of Ayala Center Cebu while the carbo-loading party will be at the Terraces on the 10th.
this carbohydrate counting system is particularly educational and helpful to those who fantasize about "carbo-loading" on items such as potato chips.