The cramping influence of a hard formalist on a young child, in repressing his spirits and courage, paralyzing the understanding, and that without producing indignation, but only fear and obedience, and even much sympathy with the tyranny,--is a familiar fact, explained to the child when he becomes a man, only by seeing that the oppressor of his youth is himself a child tyrannized over by those names and words and forms of whose influence he was merely the organ to the youth.
His power consists in the multitude of his affinities, in the fact that his life is intertwined with the whole chain of organic and inorganic being.
But it is the fault of our rhetoric that we cannot strongly state one fact without seeming to belie some other.
Essays First Series
The legislature of the United States would certainly have full power to provide, that in appeals to the Supreme Court there should be no re-examination of
facts where they had been tried in the original causes by juries.
Federalist Papers Authored by Alexander Hamilton
The scientist reasons inductively from the facts of experience.
As fast as the ascertained facts of science have overthrown their subjective explanations of things, they have made new subjective explanations of things, including explanations of the latest ascertained facts.
Incidentally, new facts were learned about the nature, size, and form of the earth, and the Ptolemaic system went glimmering."
The Iron Heel
We might, in fact, define one chain of experience, or one biography, as a series of occurrences linked by mnemic causation.
In fact, it is not an isolated stimulus that leaves an engram, but the totality of the stimuli at any moment; consequently any portion of this totality tends, if it recurs, to arouse the whole reaction which was aroused before.
These two laws together represent in part a hypothesis (the engram), and in part an observable fact. The observable fact is that, when a certain complex of stimuli has originally caused a certain complex of reactions, the recurrence of part of the stimuli tends to cause the recurrence of the whole of the reactions.
The Analysis of Mind
The very fact that the white boy is conscious that, if he fails in life, he will disgrace the whole family record, extending back through many generations, is of tremendous value in helping him to resist temptations.
In fact, the greater part of the education I secured in my boyhood was gathered through the night-school after my day's work was done.
Up From Slavery
His decision was strengthened by the fact that Nastasia Philipovna had curiously altered of late.
In fact, Nastasia Philipovna's beauty became a thing known to all the town; but not a single man could boast of anything more than his own admiration for her; and this reputation of hers, and her wit and culture and grace, all confirmed Totski in the plan he had now prepared.
The Idiot
fact, I who was then I, might be said to be dead too, so little is my past self like my present self in anything but the "increasing purpose" which has kept me one in my love of literature.
My Literary Passions