safe space

safe space

A place where one will not encounter mistreatment, discrimination, and, in some cases, words or activities that could trigger reminders of past psychological trauma. The campus needs a safe space for the LGBTQ community. Is there a safe space for trauma victims to go after that lecture on human trafficking?
See also: safe, space
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • not come to harm
  • have a brush with
  • have a brush with (something)
  • come to no harm
  • come to (one's) notice
  • put the hard word on
  • put the hard word on (one)
  • put the hard word on someone
  • crime does not pay
  • crime doesn't pay
References in periodicals archive
today use the term 'safe space' to describe ['campus
If the concept of safe space is new to your counselors, try leading a more explicit session around the topic, as we do with our campers during the first few days of camp using the following questions as a guide:
The club wants to convert its second venue, Sugarboys - which is based next to the main venue - into a new OMG Late bar that it says would offer the LGBT+ community a safe space to go until 7am on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
I see someone attempting to take us to the 1960s when equality was just an idea and when this phrase 'safe space' was coined.
SAFE SPACE Rachel and Sammy in their new cafe Picture: DARREN
Laura Blackham, fundraising lead at The Haven said: "It isn't simply a roof, it is a safe space for women to come when they have nowhere else to turn.
'Southside Safe Space' will be available every week in the early hours of Saturday and Sunday mornings, between midnight and 5.30am, in Birmingham city centre.
He said: "There needs to be safe spaces for people to vent their feelings without fearing the noose."
They are offered counselling, but the power of making friends and having a safe space to simply be calm and peaceful is very healing for the women.
"Of course, we hope never to have to use it but it is wonderful to have access to a defibrillator on our Safe Space truck."
However, what happens when a safe space exclusively for teenagers can no longer be considered exclusive, when does it just become a space and lose all of its meaning?
SIR Lenny Henry wants to see paintbrushes in children's hands instead of knives and says art clubs can provide a safe space for young people.
This circle, being held Monday, will be a safe space of support, meditation and expression.
The Doctors Joint Action Committee has announced that protests at public hospitals will continue until the government provides them safe space to examine patients.
Mandy ensure that are all safe space Assistant guider Lee Vaughan, head of port operations at Philanthropic Foundation patrons AV Dawson, paid Mandy a surprise visit at one of her group's meetings, presenting her with a trophy, a restaurant voucher for Al Forno Middlesbrough and a cheque for PS1,000 for a Teesside charity of her choice.